Costco Latex Mattress vs. Sams Club Latex Mattress
Apr 8, 2010 2:25 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Hi all,

I need to get a new mattress for my daughter.  I had been waiting for the Costco latex mattress to come back, but then someone linked the latex mattresses at Sam's Club.  Now I'm confusticated.

The Costco latex mattress is one inch thicker, but . . . it's made in China and while it's gotten generally great reviews, I do wonder whether there are fillers or something not so. . . great in the latex.  Also, the cover is pretty minimal.

The Sam's Club latex mattress is a little more expensive, but on the up side, the latex is either LI (for the blended mattress) or Latexco, for the all natural (Dunlop) mattress.  At least the latex for both these are made in the US.  Also, the Dunlop mattress seems to be made with a nice cotton and wool mattress cover, much better than the Costco mattress.

However, the Sam's Club Mattress only comes in Twin XL, and I was planning on buying my daughter a nice bedframe to go with the bed, perhaps an antique wrought iron, or an antique oak frame (she has my grandmother's antique oak bentwood dresser, circa 1900).  So the twin xl would be hard to find a nice bedframe for.

Has anyone bought the sam's club mattress, and if so, impressions?

thanks, kim