Decent air mattress?
We have a 9" talalay latex mattress that we've never really been happy with since we got it. I love the idea of latex, the longevity and durability, but for whatever reason it just isn't for me. My back hurts. It might be that it just pushes back too much for me. Anyways, I'm looking to get something else. I seem to sleep OK on spring mattresses whenever I'm in a hotel and I sleep even better on super cheap air mattresses (coleman/aerobed, etc). I'm aware of the criticisms of air mattresses, they leak, they're not progressive, etc., but I think the lack of progressiveness works for me. Whatever it is - I feel great after having slept on a coleman and am in pain after having slept on my expensive latex mattress. So, I'd like to try an air mattress. All that said - are there any air mattressses that are durable and affordable? Innomax seems to be a contender. Any others?
Thanks |
Re: Decent air mattress? Good_Sleep
(Apr 25, 2014 12:24 PM) -
Re: Decent air mattress? mattdud
(Apr 25, 2014 9:48 AM)