Decided to go latex
Aug 3, 2009 6:12 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2009
Points: 22
Okay, so after reading lots of comments here I have decided to go the DIY approach with latex. 

I just dont know what to do for a core and a foundation and where to get everything from.  I am a side/stomach sleeper and generally like the feel of a plush mattresses in stores from the S mattress companies.  I am thinking of going with a firm foundation and then playing with other layers to get the feeling I am looking for.

Anyways, if someone can outline a good approach I would appreciate it.  I looked at and like their 7" M-grade core b/c it has free return for 120 days but FBM is much cheaper for the 8" core.  I saw some complaining about the quality of the foam from FBM but others saying they loved it. 

Any advice is appreciated, I feel lost and overwhelmed a bit at this point.

Re: Decided to go latex
Reply #1 Aug 19, 2009 8:37 AM
Joined: Aug 18, 2009
Points: 1
I, too, after months of researching online & having tried out a friend's tempurpedic, have decided to go latex. Due to the high cost of this investment, I have done endless research on the quality of natural vs. blended latex and talalay vs. dunlop latex. I've decided to go 100% natural talalay and to purchase through Flo Beds, due to their excellent reputation online and their A+ rating with the BBB. I found one other site (Green Mattresses) who offered better prices for a similar product, but their reputation was not nearly as sterling. I finally completed the ordering process today with Dave at Flo Beds and I can say that he was he was extremely helpful on the phone. Dewey was also very helpful online during my search. I am postponing delivery till after the Labor Day holiday, so I cannot tell you how I like it yet, but just thought I'd let you know Flo Beds was excellent to deal with and from my reserch seems to be a trustworthy company.  Good luck in your search!  laennis
Re: Decided to go latex
Reply #2 Aug 19, 2009 6:13 PM
Location: Cypress, TX
Joined: Aug 28, 2008
Points: 41
I think the biggest variations from FBM is in their MF.  I don't recall seeing any posts about their LUX having quality issues.  I could be mistaken.

Keep in mind that if you go with a PU foam base like you mentioned, that it will soften up a bit.  I'm almost to the 1 year mark with my FBM bed, and the center (King) is firmer than the spots where we lay.  Don't get me wrong, this is nothing at all like body impressions or sagging -- its just a very slight loss of firmness.  For this reason I recommend LUX and not HD36 as the base layer. 

You totally have the right concept regarding starting with a firm layer and softening things as you go up to suit your taste.  Convoluted foam and/or polyfill are great ways to plush up the very last layer.

For a foundation you can use your existing mattress foundation if its nice and solid.  Ikea has some cool adjustable slat foundations worth checking out.  Others, like myself, have constructed our own with basic lumber.

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