When did matresses become one-side-only, and covered with super-absorbant material?
May 12, 2010 4:55 PM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 4
The springs in my 10-year-old King Koil matress have lost their shape or memory, and I was just out looking at matresses.

I am very disappointed at what I saw.  The vast majority of inner-spring matresses have an extra 2" to 4" foam layer sewn to the top.  The ones that don't are non-reversable (only one "sleep" side").

And ALL of them are covered with various types of super-soft  and SUPER ABSORBANT cover material that I'm sure will stain easily and readily absorb sweat and other body fluids.  I'm told this change happened around 5  - 6 years ago.  I think this new style bull-crap, and designed to accelerate the wear and tear of these products (forced or designed obselescence).

Does anyone still make an inner-coil matress with a decent (slightly-padded) cover ON BOTH SIDES, with a cover material that is non or minimally-absorbant (ie - has a sheen to it) ???? !!!!







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