Dips, valleys, hammocks, indents whatever
Jul 2, 2008 7:34 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
I stand by my post of sleeping better!!  My two cents though.  I am convinced after getting down to almost just springs and latex, that the dip will never quite go away.  After sleeping on one side of the bed for a few nights, I can tell it's flattening a little.  I try the other and it is always higher and "firmer".  I think it must be the nature of latex and or foam to require inhaling air after use.  It must take a couple to few days to do so.  Because when I give one side a break for 3 days, and then go back to it, after "wearing down" the other, it's back to normal.  It seems to be a side to side thing, not just one big dip in the middle.  Either that or not only is foam cheaper these days, but springs are too.  I am 135lbs.  I don't think I am overwhelming the foam. 

Any thoughts???????

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