DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
May 15, 2011 10:54 AM
Joined: Jan 5, 2011
Points: 17
I've been researching beds off and on for a while now, and am really ready to buy something but it is very confusing. Every time I think I have figured out what to buy I read something negative about my choice and feel like I'm back to square one. I know that most people on here seem to prefer latex but I really like memory foam and would like to either build my own Tempurpedic or buy one of the look-alikes already put together. I was looking at Restava and was going to go with one of theirs but then I read somewhere that they are some other company renamed, and evidently the other company had a lot of complaints. But on Facebook they look I don't know. I was even thinking of but then read negative reviews about them and I'm suspicious of all their postive feedback, not sure it is real (probably not).

So then I thought well I'll make my own with some poly foam, maybe 6 inches, and then maybe 1 inch of latex and maybe 3 inches of memory foam (based on a post here). As far as the Tempur beds I have tried them in the store and I like the Deluxe but loved the Cloud Supreme and Cloud Luxe in the shop (but maybe too soft?), and thought maybe the best bet was the Allura.

So please, can anyone tell me if any of the knock-off companies that make similar beds to TP are any good? And if not, is my best bet the DIY route? I simpy don't want to pay $4000+ for a bed because I know there are much cheaper alternatives.


Re: DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
Reply #17 Aug 23, 2012 10:52 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Yes, that's real odd about the number of bad Tempurpedics.  I know at least a dozen people (Some very big framed people at that) in which the Tempurpedic is the only bed that has held up for a very long time.  Some have had them going on 15 years; they say look and feel the same as they did when they first got them (Hard for me to believe, since I know they are firm when you get them). Mine will be the same.  I doubt it will just up and fail me all the sudden.

I have the Allura on the adjustable base.  So it does get a work out.  We use it for reading, laptop, etc.  My latex didn't hold up as well on the adjustable base.  It got real soft and sank in big time when in the sitting position.  

So yes, I scratch my head when I hear of Tempurpedic failing in short order.  I only hear about it on the internet.  I know of no one who has had it fail.  Even my local retailer says it is very, very uncommon.  And usually it's people assuming the conditioning of the mattress is mattress failure. Or improper foundation or frame. This usually is a result of a retailer not presenting expectations of these beds.

Re: DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
Reply #18 Aug 24, 2012 6:12 AM
Joined: Jan 24, 2012
Points: 70
Good Sleep.. I think you answered it right there.. the conditioning of the bed is different to each of us..the failure of mine and some other's that have kept them but keep getting new ones under warranty.. is the fact that once the body gets into the groove so to speak it no longer gives the support.. it's almost like it remembers where you sleep each night and the sinking keeps sinking much like quick sand to me.   I hated mine and once in a while when I have insomnia will leave the bed I am on and resort to the guest room where it is not to wake my husband with all my tossing and turning..but once on that bed it is a battle to even stay there a few hours.. back starts hurting, my neck feels out of sorts and then I finally give up to the sofa.. it isn't worth any of my time.. just turned out to be a money drain is all..  Good luck with yours.. I guess it's the luck of the draw.. Happy dreams..
Re: DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
Reply #19 Aug 30, 2012 5:14 PM
Joined: Jun 17, 2012
Points: 23
This message was modified Aug 30, 2012 by joeb
Re: DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
Reply #20 Sep 22, 2012 10:31 PM
Joined: Jan 5, 2011
Points: 17
Just stopping by and I see that my old post from last year has been revived. No, I did not purchase a Restava bed, we ended up buying an Englander memory foam bed. I have honestly hated this bed since then, it was way too firm and has remained so. In the interim over the past year+ we have purchased a softer 2-1/2-inch memory foam topper and I have also added a featherbed from The Company Store, really all to no avail. This bed may be just fine for those who like a pretty firm bed, but it's not for me. Anyway I just placed an order for a Saatva mattress today because I really don't want any more 100% foam mattresses at the moment, whether memory or latex. So if anyone is interested, I will post my thoughts on it when it arrives. 

On a humorous note, my mom just bought a new mattress from the Original Mattress Factory. They informed her she now holds "the prize" for having the oldest mattresss. How long has she had her current innerspring mattress (made by Bassett)? 38 years. 



Re: DIY Tempurpedic or which clone is best?
Reply #21 Oct 13, 2012 12:14 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2012
Points: 1

Your claim that their mattresses don't contain memory foam can easily be refuted by checking with their supplier, Certipur. I don't see any cheap couch cushion manufacturers on the Certipur "find products containing" page. 


Your claim about the memory foam pillows are also false according to the Certipur supplier, who clearly states on their home page that their foam is low VOC.

Two false claims, plus a username meant to make people think you're a woman when the name you signed up under is Matt. You don't seem like a very trustworthy critic. Which mattress company do you work for?


This message was modified Oct 13, 2012 by RCB3

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