Do more coils equal more comfort?
Dec 14, 2011 3:50 AM
Joined: Dec 5, 2011
Points: 7
I was wondering what affect that coil count, or coil density, has on the feel of a mattress.  Today's mattresses often seem to have a greater coil density than mattresses manufatured, say, 20 years ago - are these greater number of coils really necessary to increase the "cushioning" effect of the mattress?

It seems that I've noticed a general pattern of mattresses with a lower coil density having a lower coil gauge (thickness).   Do these characteristics make the mattress more "rigid" and "harder" than mattresses that have a higher coil gauge and a greater coil density?

I'm in a situation where it may be necessary to minimize the amount of foam in whatever mattress I purchase, so the properties of the coil-system become that much more important to me.

Would this bed be comfortable enough for a relatively short, heavy person?



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