Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Jan 25, 2012 9:05 PM
Joined: Jan 17, 2012
Points: 18
As some of you may know from my other thread, I have an all talalay mattress on the way... 3 different layers, made with 100% natural Latex International foam. But from searching around these forums, I don't see anything positive about the talalay latex, as people seem to prefer dunlop. Most of the comments I see are the talalay "pushes back" and "can't get comfortable". I have only tried it in the store, and it was nice, didn't sleep on it yet....but I have one on order that will be showing up in 2 weeks. I'm starting to think twice after reading these forums though!! Does anyone have positive experience ?
Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #1 Jan 26, 2012 1:34 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
tjstogner wrote:

As some of you may know from my other thread, I have an all talalay mattress on the way... 3 different layers, made with 100% natural Latex International foam. But from searching around these forums, I don't see anything positive about the talalay latex, as people seem to prefer dunlop. Most of the comments I see are the talalay "pushes back" and "can't get comfortable". I have only tried it in the store, and it was nice, didn't sleep on it yet....but I have one on order that will be showing up in 2 weeks. I'm starting to think twice after reading these forums though!! Does anyone have positive experience ?

Really? I get the impression talalay is actually the preferred choice among most members here.  And I like the support of "pushback" into the arch of my back, I just can't get as firm from talatech, as I've found the most firm in Dunlop- but that really just boils down to different feels, whatever you prefer.. Don't 2nd guess until you try, sounds like you ordered a nice one.  

Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #2 Jan 26, 2012 11:02 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
There have been plenty of people that like talalay latex mattresses.  That is what flobeds uses, and plenty have been happy with those.  100% natural Latex International is a good product.   I use it for top layers over coils.   Dunlop is a denser, firmer feel.   So, in general side sleepers might prefer talalay and back or stomach sleepers might be prefer dunlop.    Of course it depends on quality, firmness, etc., so you can't make any hard and fast rules.   Some people like the latex over coils or with some memory foam added in.  The only concensus is that there is no concensus on what everyone will like.   
Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #3 Jan 26, 2012 5:38 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2011
Points: 55
tjstogner wrote:

As some of you may know from my other thread, I have an all talalay mattress on the way... 3 different layers, made with 100% natural Latex International foam. But from searching around these forums, I don't see anything positive about the talalay latex, as people seem to prefer dunlop. Most of the comments I see are the talalay "pushes back" and "can't get comfortable". I have only tried it in the store, and it was nice, didn't sleep on it yet....but I have one on order that will be showing up in 2 weeks. I'm starting to think twice after reading these forums though!! Does anyone have positive experience ?

The Talalay process is the best way to get more consistant foam. It will be the most durable. Comfort will be personal preference. I personally like the Talalay latex.

Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #4 Jan 26, 2012 7:49 PM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
My SleepEZ 10k blended talalay went pretty far south for me on their pine slatted foundation.  My previously injured right shoulder was pretty beat up after couple nights rolling onto it.  Moving the 10k onto a 'box spring' type foundation didn't quite pan out either.  I know many are wary of chemicals in Tempurpedic, but I haven't turned colors yet and I'm still lovin'  this 8" Cloud.

But SleepEZ customer service was A++ for sure.

This message was modified Jan 26, 2012 by slpngoc
Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #5 Jan 27, 2012 9:37 AM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
Seems like a common construction is a combo of dunlop + talalay. This is what SleepEZ uses and several other groups as well. ~6" of dunlop core for a firmer base + 2-3-4" of talalay on top for the comfort layer.

Our Berkeley Ergonomics bed arrives today-- like Sandman that will be talalay over pocket coils.

I do have to agree with slpngoc-- we also tried the SleepEZ (our was 8" rather than his 10")- but on the wood foundation it was just too firm! I never could put my finger on the problem but for us, 8" of latex over wood foundation just wasn't enough cush and I always felt like I was bottoming out when I would sit up and stuff.

Re: Does ANYONE here like talalay latex mattresses?????
Reply #6 Jan 29, 2012 7:11 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 8
We have 2 beds of 100% Talalay where the latex was sourced from Latex international. (our bed and kids bed) We have different configurations but my husband and I LOVE our bed and the kid loves theirs!  Try not to worry till you try it. I bet you will like it. Everyone is different and I never really got the impression people here like Dunlop more - seems to be pretty split. Latex International makes a great product and as I said we love our beds. 

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