Does memory foam get hotter the thicker it gets?
Nov 29, 2010 12:21 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
One hears a lot of complaints about memory foam sleeping hot. Does this get worse the thicker it gets, or does ANY memory foam at all tend to make a bed sleep hot?

I am considering getting some 1" Sensus or a cheap 1-1'2" Walmart convoluted MF pad, and am curious how much hotter this might make me compared to the PU and latex foam already on the bed.

Re: Does memory foam get hotter the thicker it gets?
Reply #1 Nov 29, 2010 2:25 PM
Joined: Oct 30, 2010
Points: 45
Is the cheap 1.5 MF topper you plan to get from WM made by Simmons? If you end up getting it, let me know how it works for you.

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