Domestic natural talalay vs european
Aug 5, 2011 4:51 AM
Joined: Jul 17, 2011
Points: 10
I'm looking at buying my latex from foambymail, my only hesitation is their latex is european. I really wanted domestic latex international but the prices seem so much higher. I am wondering if the european latex holds up as well as domestic.

I keep seeing this comparision on many websites:

Percent Loss of Core Thickness:

  • LI Talatech®: 3.3%
  • European Talalay latex: 5.7% (73% more loss than LI)
  • European Dunlop process latex: 7.5% (127% more loss than LI)
  • Asian 100% natural latex: 12.5% (279% more loss than LI)

But it seems to be comparing Talatech (a blend) with European Talalay! How about Domestic Talalay vs Imported Talalay?

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