Dormier Mattress protector questions?
Aug 17, 2010 6:34 AM
Joined: Mar 24, 2010
Points: 16

I have searched and taken the time to read other posts about this protector but I have a couple of more questions for you owners and sellers of this protector.

1st let me tell you my situation. The wife and I have the Costo Latex. We enjoy it , but it does get a little warm. (Maybe because it is $105 in North Texas!) My wife wanted a little more plush feel so we tried the Costo Cuddle bed. It made the bed even hotter and it had to go! I think we would like something that isn't as thick as the cuddlebed, but just adds a touch of softness to our Latex mattress.

So, that brings me to this forum again in the hopes of another solution and the Dormier seems like it may be it. Here are my questions:

1. Does this protector add any softness or plushness to the mattress? (My wife loves that sink in the bed feeling, but not the heat that most of those toppers bring.)

2. If it does not add any plushness or softness, is there one out there that does that does not get hot. (I suppose a wool based thicker topper of some type?)

3. Any other ideas or just order the Dormier because it will work and be just what I am looking for?


Thanks in advance for everyones replies and suugestions






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