Dec 16, 2009 5:36 PM
Joined: Dec 16, 2009
Points: 11
I'm new here. I've spent a few hours poking around but haven't found any information on the mattress I'm considering: the Classic 8 by a company called Essentia ( They are a Canadian company that makes what is billed as the world's only natural memory foam. Has anyone heard of them? Thanks for taking the time to answer. -Michelle
Re: Essentia
Reply #20 Dec 21, 2009 10:30 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
MichLee wrote:
Sorry. I'm not sure what you mean. I can assure you I have nothing to do with Essentia. I'm just a regular old person looking for a new mattress. I've had a horrible one (my husband picked it out) for the past 10 years and can't wait to get something new. I am leaning toward SleepEz right now, but am still undecided as to which configuration to go with. I like pretty firm mattresses so I'm thinking of very firm / very firm / medium.

I was initially considering a Temperpedic and am thankful to this forum for giving me some more "earth friendly" choices.


Michelle: You have my sincere apologies if I have mistakenly assumed that you are promoting a company, that from everything I have been able to find out, is not as trustworthy as you seem to feel they are. I have still not been able to find anything on them either at the Canadian Better Business Bureau or the United States Better Business Bureau. The information they give on their website does not compute with the Better Business Bureau. Unless, and until, the Better Business Bureau has a rating for this company I would recommend that everyone leave them completely alone. Particularly if you live in the United States since they are a Canadian company. Although they list two locations in the United States neither one of those locations would register at the Better Business Bureau either.

I know what it feels like to be wrongfully accused of " shilling" for a company. Even when that company has an excellent Better Business Bureau rating and has been in the business for 30 years. But your post requesting that this company go through their database of customers and e-mail them to all come here and post their results somehow to me sounds quite inappropriate. The likelihood that they are going to e-mail any customers who have had disputes with them is highly unlikely. They are much more likely to only e-mail folks who are quite pleased with them. That is not what this board wants.

What is needed here are honest people who really examine their mattress experience and report on that experience with as much accurate detail as they can. As you're finding out when your are searching for an item like a mattress that cost several thousand dollars, and in many cases you are going to be purchasing it off of the Internet, you want some assurance that you're not going to be taken for a ride, or greatly disappointed for whatever reason.

Your inquiry into SleepEZ is a good one. Savvy Rest is another company that is highly respected on this board, they also have the benefit of providing both Dunlop and Talalay as does SleepEZ. My personal preference is for FlowBeds because they have the best exchange and return policy that I'm aware of on the Internet. They have excellent customer service and I have been very satisfied with them, as have many other board members. But there are other companies, and there are many reports that you can glean through and come up with more information.

It's just that I have never heard of this company that you ask about, their claims seem over the top to me, and do not square with any other information that I have ever read on the Internet in my extensive six months search for the perfect mattress. The fact that they have no BBB rating leaves them out in the cold as far as I am concerned.

Good luck in your search for the perfect mattress.
This message was modified Dec 21, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Essentia
Reply #21 Dec 21, 2009 2:42 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

Why don't you just request a sample of their product in order to give your "expert" opinion to the forum? 


Re: Essentia
Reply #22 Dec 21, 2009 3:19 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Hello Philip: How is the Savvy Rest working out for you?

In churning through the Internet I came across this interesting piece of latex from Latex International. It seems that when this product first came on the market that it was quite a hot property with high expectations from the mattress industry. Evidently it has not worked out nearly as well as it was promised.  It is called NuFORM. Here is the link.
This message was modified Dec 21, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Essentia
Reply #23 Dec 21, 2009 3:33 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

going on a year and a half.........couldn't be happier


Re: Essentia
Reply #24 Dec 21, 2009 3:41 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:

going on a year and a half.........couldn't be happier


I am glad! Savvy Rest makes a good mattress. Good customer service.
This message was modified Dec 21, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Essentia
Reply #25 Dec 23, 2009 8:37 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93

essentia wrote:


Welcome to the forum!  & N.M. the H.'s.  H./'s gonna H.

Latex-Visco hybrid huh?  Latex "Memory FOam" hybrid?  I've only thought of those as mutually exclusive products. petro visco thermo responsive foam vs. straight latex foam either synthetic or natural, which doesn't compress any more or less when it heats up. So you kind of had me, then you lost me, as far as "latex memory foam", because i think "if it's latex, it's not memory foam!', but i'm still researching (i.e. i'd love to learn more)!


Jason Ratky.

eagle2 wrote:

More and more this thread is beginning to sound like a complete sales job.

Really?  Really, eagle?  I mean,  REALLY?!

Re: Essentia
Reply #26 Dec 23, 2009 3:05 PM
Joined: Dec 16, 2009
Points: 11
Hi everyone- I wanted to update you on my mattress choice. I decided to go with the SleepEZ 8500 blended talalay. Soft top layer, medium middle, and firm bottom. I decided to go this route after talking to someone at SleepEZ (Shawn, I presume) and trying out an Englander Nature's Finest all natural latex mattress. Although Flobeds seemed to have a slightly better product (labeled latex and unlimited layer exchanges) I couldn't justify the extra $1,000 for their mattress. I am still curious about Essentia, but was a little nervous about purchasing from them since I couldn't find anyone who has tried their mattress. Anyway, thank you for the help. I can't wait for my new mattress. -Michelle
Re: Essentia
Reply #27 Dec 23, 2009 4:13 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Michelle: It is my understanding that SleepEZ makes a good product. Good luck with your choice.

Let us know how it works out.
Re: Essentia
Reply #28 Jan 13, 2010 10:19 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
I realize I might sound slightly biased as I am in the industry.  But I was wondering if Essentia might be able to answer a few questions since they do have an account on the forums.

This page lists that they use styrene butadiene in their foam.  Here is where I have some issues/concerns.

You claim that your product is petroleum free...however styrene butadiene is a petro chemical product.

as a matter of fact, you also do NOT list this chemical under the content for synthetic latex.  Although synthetic latex quite literally IS styrene butadiene.  This is exactly what the abbreviation for synthetic rubber stands for...SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber).  You also for some wierd reason list this ingredient under "Natural Latex".  Although Natural latex (if you are not misleading people) quite literally means it would not be blended with synthetic latex (styrene butadiene).

The page goes on to explain:  "Waxes styrene-butadiene copolymer is used to add resistance and longevity to natural foams. This component has excellent abrasion resistance when properly blended. This component is most commonly used in blends of natural latex. This component is considered a thickening agent and gelling agent and contains vegetal based waxes." 

I don't want to get into a debate about whether or not blended latex (natural and synthetic rubber) is more durable than all natural latex (sans styrene butadiene).  However I find it very misleading to basically call natural latex a blend when basically every other latex manufacturer in the world is incredibly specific on what they are blending into the mix and are far more honest about what IS 100% Natural Rubber or what is a blend of natural and synthetic. 
Re: Essentia
Reply #29 Jan 27, 2010 4:42 AM
Joined: Dec 20, 2009
Points: 5

If you think the manufacturers of natural latex are honest when they say 100% natural, you're clearly not at the back end of the industry, and in fact probably in the front line (SALES).

All salespeople in the industry that I've met have a limited knowledge of contents that actually are in the components of a mattress. They pass on what they've been told by the mattress assembly company's marketing department, who passes on what he's been told by the component supplier's marketing department, who passes on what the foam manufacturer has told him based on European standards and industry regulations which indicates that 85% natural can be marketed as 100% natural, since 100% is not achievable.

I am curious to know, which branch of the mattress industry chain the writer is from, and who he works for. He should not be upset that we are transparent, he should take this opportunity to learn all he can from us, as we are actual latex foamers.

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