Sep 5, 2015 12:15 PM
Where there's a will there's a way. Today after months of fruitless searching to find a way to defeat this mushy tempurpedic mattress, (which I flipped over btw and sleep on the hard side to no avail) I have defeated it. I actually want to go right now and catch up on my sleep but I want to post this here first. I was inches away from pulling out the toolkit and performing surgery on it when I remembered a strange therapy I read about years ago. It advocated for inclining the bed from the head down as a means of improving body circulation, curing insomnia, cancer and world peace. Yeah right, I tried it out for a years back when I had a REAL bed but stopped because what the hey, I'm a healthy young guy, sleeping good already on my nice bed who needs it ? ;ME! that's who. ME, the person who unceremoniously tossed that sweet mattress that preserved my sanity for almost 10 years. So here it is, in a nutshell this is what you want your bed setup too look

There is nothing to purchase, unless you don't have some bricks or books to place under the bed at the top/head side of the bed. That's it. The only adjustment you make is how high you want the incline to be by placing more bricks/books etc. This is entirely a comfort issue as you may need more support depending on how soft the mattress is. Please if you're out there and considering purchasing a new mattress try this out first and come back here to let me know how it goes for you. BTW if you've got an old mattress and are thinking of getting a new one for just structural reasons (ie sagging etc) this could give your bed a lot more mileage as well.
This message was modified Sep 5, 2015 by

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