eXtended Life XL mattresses designed specifically for big people... lifetime warranty.
Dec 7, 2009 10:35 PM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
lifetime on springs & foundation might not sound so impressive considering those last for a long time anyway, for most people.  still, i haven't seen too many other companies say anything "lifetime" in their warranty at all, much less targeting big guys with them.  but it's their 20 years on comfort layers/quilting etc. that has me wondering how they could even honor that. with visco & "eXtended Life foam" in there, along w/latex.

otherwise i can't find a whole lot of info on them in the way of reviews or even from their website, re: construction.  but sears carries them (just not in available at any of my sears, so i'd have to drive a ways) & what i like is for warranty claims you can just take the mattress directly back to sears.  if it's anything like their no-questions lifetime warranty on tools it would be the best mattress warranty ever.  i am curious though, with less than 500 coils in a queen (per sears c.s.), it must be a pretty heavy guage coil (although i.d.k. about coil gauge as any kind of meaningful spec for how strong the springs will be anymore, because i can really squash right into serta's springs which were 13.75ga, heavier duty than sealy's that don't seem to budge when new).  but something tells me they might not want to honor the lifetime springs warranty if they noticed i had cut it open at some point & installed my own foams in there anyway.

doubtful but has anyone here has tried or even seen them?


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