Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Oct 13, 2008 4:08 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2008
Points: 32
From MrLateNight at fatwallet:

I purchased a 3.5# 8" mattress from foambymail off of eBay exactly 4 years ago.
One side has become a sinkhole and the other side seems to be starting. There is a weight difference between the two sides but is not huge.
This started at least a year ago. We haven't determined if it's just the memory foam or if it's the base. I suspect both.

EDIT: It seems even the supposedly 2.6lb foam base has also failed:

The memory foam collapse is the worst, but the base clearly is collapsing as well. I can press the whole amount down almost to 1" compression in the pit area, vs only about half way in the middle or bottom where it is not flawed. In fact, the memory foam in those areas is starting to feel more like regular foam.
This message was modified Oct 16, 2008 by MrPointy
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #6 Oct 17, 2008 1:21 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
greenlaser wrote:

I know I have only one post, but I'm an old timer here. They must have flushed the old accounts, that would be a sad thing, there has been so much good things to read in the archives. I had to register again.

The old forum can be accessed through the following link: Have fun!

On your latex setup: Have you tried putting the 28 on top? This might soften it up without the need for additional layers. Memory foam has a very different feel to it than latex. Some people like it, others don't. It's a very soft foam. Approximate ILD in the 14-16 range, Too much soft foam on a mattress tends to hammock and leads to backaches. If you try it don't go with more than 2". On foam mattresses less is often more than enough. Try and buy it somewhere you can return it if you just don't like it. Good luck.

Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #7 Oct 17, 2008 7:46 AM
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Points: 6
If you have a kit bed? Have you put the 28 on top? I went with a extra firm, super firm, extra firm.. All latex. Memory foam does fail.
8 years of looking!  For a mattress. I was thinking about super on the bottom! Less than a month on mine. I did go with the two inch wool topper. They said the two inch could show a hole,  just needs to be  fluffed  to spring back.
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #8 Oct 20, 2008 2:26 AM
Joined: Oct 10, 2008
Points: 6
I spent several months with the 28 on top, that has been several years ago though. I might try it again to see if anything has changed. I also have a wool topper on my bed. I think it is only one inch thick. I got the nice cover from Sleep-EZ.

It does not sound like memory foam is really right for me. That's the way it was several years ago too. Who would let me return on of these if I didn't like it. They are not cheap.
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #9 Oct 20, 2008 4:32 PM
Joined: Oct 10, 2008
Points: 6
I see overstock has a serta deluxe 2 inch mem topper for 78 dollars. I was tempted until I read the negative reviews on overstock's site. These things were falling apart fresh out of the box.<BR><BR>I did put my 28 on top again. It really feels good, I hope my back can handle it. I learned it takes several days to a week to check out if a mattress will work for me. If the worst happens I'll be changing layers at 4 in the morning. Wish me luck.<BR><BR>My three layers of latex have no hamocking over three years.


Well, that did not last long. One hour into the test and I'm back to 35/28/35.
This message was modified Oct 20, 2008 by greenlaser
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #10 Oct 21, 2008 5:16 PM
Location: Cypress, TX
Joined: Aug 28, 2008
Points: 41
The overstock memory foam toppers aren't too bad -- I have a 3".  They definitely cut them under sized to improve their margins though.  But other than that, I don't see any quality problems with it.
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #11 Oct 21, 2008 5:27 PM
Location: Cypress, TX
Joined: Aug 28, 2008
Points: 41
Oh, Mr. Pointy -- Thanks for digging this up.  So I wonder if that guy had a Lux-HQ base or what.  It sounds like the higher density stuff, so maybe so.  The Lux-HQ is a blue color while the Lux-R is a very light green (almost a light cyan).  I have pieces of both.

I guess I will have to assess my rig year-to-year.  If the HQ PU foam layers start to sink, I'll replace them.  Maybe I would go with more latex... hard to say what I'll do.  I guess time will tell what breaks down and what, if anything, holds up.
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #12 Oct 21, 2008 8:24 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2008
Points: 32
LatencyMachine wrote:
Oh, Mr. Pointy -- Thanks for digging this up.  So I wonder if that guy had a Lux-HQ base or what.  It sounds like the higher density stuff, so maybe so.  The Lux-HQ is a blue color while the Lux-R is a very light green (almost a light cyan).  I have pieces of both.

I guess I will have to assess my rig year-to-year.  If the HQ PU foam layers start to sink, I'll replace them.  Maybe I would go with more latex... hard to say what I'll do.  I guess time will tell what breaks down and what, if anything, holds up.

AFAIK, he had a HD36-HQ base. That has been their standard on ebay.

I received my mattress from them.
I ordered Queen sized mattress with 5" HD36-HQ and 4" 5.5 lb topper.
Their ebay listing also included mattress cover + 2 queen pillows.
The total weight of the package was 92 pounds (lets make it 95 to accomodate for a
possible bathrrom scale error).
I assume the 2 pillows + cover+packaging weight 10lbs.  That means the mattress itself weight 85 pounds.

This actually corressponds to 2.2lb base+4.8lb topper, exactly what I was told as the lower end of the
materials --- coincidence ?

The UPS label showed 113lbs -- which corresponds to 2.6 base + 5.5lb topper

If anyone were to ask me now on which mattress to buy, I'd recommend a cheap walmart memory foam mattress
as SUCKISSTAPLES has recommended in the fatwallet thread; and replace it every 4 years.
Also, as its from a local store, a warranty will actually have meaning.
This message was modified Oct 21, 2008 by MrPointy
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #13 Oct 22, 2008 1:32 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
I have an 1" memory foam topper on my current mattress. I've had it in place for about a year and a half. It's held up very well. No soft spots or sink holes. Of course it is only 1" thick, but that was all I needed to add some extra cushioning without compromising support. My foam arrived in pristine condition. If it hadn't I would have insisted it be replaced at Overstock's expense--not mine. The only concern I would have about ordering is that their products run very skimpy. I got an Eastern king and trimmed it to fit. I think the price has gone up a bit since I bought mine, but it's still very reasonable.

I may be mistaken, but I think Bed Bath and Beyond allows you to return anything. Their MF toppers are much more expensive though. Also, Costco lets you return anything, including mattresses, so you might check out their website if you aren't a member. You can purchase merchandise online at a slight markup for nonmembers. And I think JC Penney also allows returns. Check the return policy of any merchant before making a purchase you're uncertain of.

Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #14 Oct 22, 2008 1:39 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2008
Points: 32
I did some more research, and if I had to do it agin, I would get a mattress from memoryfoamsuperstore on eBay.

More details here:
This message was modified Oct 22, 2008 by MrPointy
Re: Failure of a bed by FoamByMail reported
Reply #15 Oct 24, 2008 4:38 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2008
Points: 32
Opened up the package.
Mattress inflated pretty quick, by the time I was done unwrapping it, it was pretty much full size.
My apt temp is 15C.
The "memory" of the foam does not last long. In comparison, my 5 year old memory foam
pillow (also bought off ebay, but different store), has a better memory.
The foambymail memory foam seems closer to normal foam.

The "chemical" smell of the foam is not all that strong, I smell the glue more.
But the smells ARE there, reasonably strong. I'm airing out the mattress now.

The firmness seemed ok, but I havent really slept in it. 3" of memory foam (as opposed to 4") would have
sufficed just fine.

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