faulty mattress?
Jul 15, 2010 10:56 PM
Joined: Jul 16, 2010
Points: 1
has anyone purchased a mattress that was faulty? we brought our mattress one month a go and now the initial foam on the bed top has sucken, the springs are not supportive what so ever, its nothing like the model we tried in the shop. we are trying to get a refund, but the company is refusing? only willing to exchange which is against the law, according to the dept of fair trading as its a faulty product. anyone in the same boat as me?


Re: faulty mattress?
Reply #1 Jul 16, 2010 9:39 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
The laws could be different where I am from...but if the product is faulty that is what manufacturers warranty is for.  If this is a retail store if they buy the bed back from you and then have a manufacturer rep take a look at it and they find it not faulty, they are now out the money.

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