FBM core foam choice, medium or firm?
Sep 21, 2009 4:13 PM
Joined: Sep 16, 2009
Points: 22
Hello all, you've all been so helpful since I've joined the site, I wanted to ask another question.
I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on an FBM mattress and have to choose between the "medium"
firmness (26-32 ILD) and "firm" firmness (32-38 ILD) for my core. I'm 6 foot 3 and weigh 220 pounds
but have read that there is not too much difference between the two options. Any feedback from those
who own these mattresses or those who are so well versed in these areas would be most appreciated.

I also wanted to check in about the quality of the latex foam from FBM. I've read through many threads in my
short time on this site and have read claims by some that FBM is selling a "sub standard" synthetic latex. Yet
there website says that it is 100 % natural talalay latex. Does anyone have any definitive information regarding this?

Thank you so much for your input, it is vitally important, given that what we truly have to go on is each others actual
experience with these things.


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