FBM users... DIY mattress satisfaction?
Feb 15, 2012 8:21 AM
Joined: Feb 13, 2012
Points: 2
How has your DIY mattress held up so far?  Still loving it or do you wish you'd done something different?  How long have you owned your DIY mattress?
Re: FBM users... DIY mattress satisfaction?
Reply #1 Feb 19, 2012 8:04 AM
Joined: Feb 19, 2012
Points: 3
I'm curious too.  Hopefully someone will respond.
Re: FBM users... DIY mattress satisfaction?
Reply #2 Jun 8, 2012 12:51 PM
Joined: Sep 12, 2011
Points: 12
I did my own mattress, but not with FBM Latex. I ordered my latex from eBay and am very happy with my DIY mattress. I put it together about 7-8 months ago. It's an eastern King. 2" memory foam on the bottom. 3" firm, 3" med, 1" unknown soft x 2 pcs on top my side. My wife has 2" memory foam, 3" med, 1" unknown soft, 3" firm and 1" unknown soft. She likes her side a bit firmer.

We are both happy with the bed and it may have softened slightly, but only slightly. The top is one piece and the bottom is one piece, the rest are cut in half. The 3" pieces are talalay blended I believe. The 1" pieces are talalay, but unknown type or firmness.

I nearly ordered from FBM, but I was able to get the 3" pieces for less money than the 6" dunlap latex from FBM. This gave us more flexibility. I ended up liking my slightly softer and my wifes side slightly firmer and the 3' pieces split in 2 gave us that ability. 

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