Fibro pain and latex toppers
Sep 6, 2010 2:16 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2010
Points: 12
I was wondering if anyone has had success, or knows of someone who has had success, easing nighttime fibromyalgia pain with latex toppers.  I'm shopping around for a firm mattress to use as my "base" so to speak, and I'd like to create a soft yet supportive sleeping surface with latex.  I have a bunch of talatech samples and am having trouble settling on a perfect combination.  Does anyone know how you're supposed to gauge which set-up is best using samples?  Applying pressure with my hand doesn't seem like it would give a very accurate indication of how it would feel to lie on top of them.  If I rest my head on the layered samples, what feels most comfortable is 4" of graduated firmness, 19, 24, 28, 32 ILD.  Has anyone tried a similar set-up?  

Any advice appreciated!