Finding a good Latex mattress in the Store, especially the LA area, AND know anything about Aireloom Luxury Latex?
Apr 27, 2009 2:36 PM
Joined: Apr 20, 2009
Points: 5
My husband and I would like to buy a good latex mattress, but my husband does not want to buy on-line.  He wants to go into a store, and lay down on the mattress in order to make a decision.

We have tried the following latex mattresses:

Serta - Vera Wang firm and plush (the firm was too firm, the plush was too plush - why couldn't there be a happy medium...)

Ortho Latex - seemed comfortable, but when he moved, I could feel it.  Not interested.

Aireloom Luxury Latex - seemed good, but I went home to the internet and I couldn't get much information on the spingless models.  In fact, the only customer review I could find, good or bad, spoke about a guy that had a dip problem after 4 months.


1) Of the latex mattresses we can try in the store, what brand would you recommend we try out?

2) We live in West Los Angeles, does anyone know a good store with lots of latex mattresses we should check out?

2) Does anyone know about the Aireloom Luxury Latex model?  Good or Bad?

Thanks, Karin

This message was modified Apr 27, 2009 by karinham