Firming up a Too Soft 3" Isoform Memory Foam Topper
May 25, 2012 10:04 PM
Joined: May 26, 2012
Points: 4
I generally like firm beds and had read reviews that the Bergad Isoform 5lb topper was firm.  I ordered a queen 5" LUX-HQ poly foam base from Foambymail and placed a 3" 5lb Bergad Isoform memory foam topper on top of it.  However, after two weeks, I am still waking up with back aches.  I found the 3" topper much too soft, and I feel like I was able to feel the poly foam base underneath it.  When I wake up in the mornings, I feel like my back is bowing, as opposed to being cradled by the 3" topper. 

I am looking for a way to make this bed firmer.  I have read that a 1" latex topper may provide a solution for this.  Is 1" sufficient to make the bed firmer?  I am 6' and 170 lbs.  I was looking at Foambymail's latex toppers, and am debating whether to get the soft 20 ILD or the medium 32 ILD.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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