Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
May 31, 2010 1:15 PM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
Okay. Pardon me but I have a few questions.

I would like to know if Talalay and Dunlop go by the same ILD scale.


1.  That is a soft Talalay same as a soft Dunlop?

2. A medium talalay same as medium Dunlop?

3. A firm/xfirm talalay same as firm/xfirm Dunlop respectively?


and my other questions are:

4. Which company would be better if I buy a latex mattress? Flobeds or SleepEZ?

5.  do they sell the same manufacturer latex?

thank you.



Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #1 Jun 1, 2010 11:44 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I think I answered this already but yeah, they go by the same ILD scale but Dunlop FEELS a lot firmer. For me Dunlop is intolerable, at least at 32ILD it is.

There was a whole thread on SleepEZ vs. Flobeds just a few weeks ago with that title. Look for it.

As for the same manufacturer I am not sure. I am pretty sure they do both sell some Latex International. Pretty sure flobeds no longer sells Dunlop processed latex but don't quote me on that. SleepEZ does sell Dunlop made by Latex Green. But to be sure, always call or write and ask them. I think Flobeds has options for Natural or Talatech Talalay, but again, check to see. I'm sure it's on their web site. If not they are very welcoming to inquiries by phone. SleepEZ could be a little hard to reach by phone in the past but give it a shot. Maybe they've improved.

Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #2 Jun 10, 2010 3:24 AM
Joined: Apr 21, 2010
Points: 58
By feel I get a 10 point difference. ie a 20 dunlop feels like a 30 talalay. for a surface layer, you would want a dunlop in the 17 to 25 range. commonly comes 40 to 42 for the support layers. most prefer a talalay 30 to 35 for a top layer. that is, to get that same feel from a dunlop, you would be looking at 10 -15 points ild lower than that. I don't know how to configure the blended varieties - like sealy, which makes a blended synthetic and natural talalay. I have not tried those so don't know the firmness. 
This message was modified Jun 10, 2010 by olenska
Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #3 Jun 10, 2010 5:03 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
All of this information is on the Flobeds and Sleepez website.  You can do your homework and at least look at their websites before coming here.  Both Flobeds and Sleepez sell both Dunlop and Talalay latex.  They both source their Talalay from LI.  Both sell Dunlop, 100% natural Talalay, and blended Talalay latex mattresses.

There are differences between the Flobeds and Sleepez mattresses.  The Flobeds mattress will be three layers of 3" latex plus a 2" soft topper.  The Sleepez mattress will be three layers of 3" latex (if you get the 10000 model, or four layers of 3" latex if you get the 13000 model).  Sleepez doesn't put a soft 2" topper on top of their mattress like Flobeds does.

Flobeds has a different mattress cover, it soft knit cotton with, IMO, more wool, quilted on all sides of the cover.  The Sleepez mattress cover is woven cotton and as far as I can tell, only has wool incorporated in the top of the cover.

Sleepez offers free shipping. Flobeds does not.

Sleepez will generally be less expensive than Flobeds.  With the extra cost of Flobeds you get the extra 2" topper layer and a nicer cover.

Which one is right for you is a matter of your personal preference, no one can tell you whether Flobeds or Sleepez is "better" than the other.  They are both quality mattresses.  You should phone and talk to both companies to see which one fits your needs better.

Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #4 Jun 10, 2010 8:31 AM
Joined: Jun 9, 2010
Points: 3
I'm not sure just how much nicer the Flobed mattress cover is, if any! The Sleep EZ cover is 1" thick, 100% cotton ticking with lambswool inside!
Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #5 Jun 10, 2010 11:24 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I have both a Flobeds and a Sleepez mattress, and can directly compare the two covers.  IMO the Flobed cover is much nicer than the Sleepez and has more wool.  The Sleepez only has wool quilted to the top of the cover, whereas the Flobed has the same wool quilted cotton knit on all sides of the cover.

However, they are both quality mattresses.

Decisions about one vs the other would be made on the basis of whether

~you want the 2" soft topper covering your latex cores

~you prefer the idea and feel of a soft knit cover to a woven cover

~you like the idea of the wool quilted all around the mattress instead of just on top

~ you feel the extras you get with Flobeds is worth the extra cost.

Some of these items will matter to some people and not to others.  If they don't matter, the Sleepez is a better value.  If they do matter, the Flobeds is the way to go.  In either case, they are both using LI natural or blended Talalay latex (if you're going Talalay) so the essential latex component is the same.  The price difference is fairly insignificant when amortized over the life of the mattress.

Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #6 Jun 10, 2010 11:34 AM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
KimberlyH wrote:

All of this information is on the Flobeds and Sleepez website.  You can do your homework and at least look at their websites before coming here.  Both Flobeds and Sleepez sell both Dunlop and Talalay latex.  They both source their Talalay from LI.  Both sell Dunlop, 100% natural Talalay, and blended Talalay latex mattresses.

There are differences between the Flobeds and Sleepez mattresses.  The Flobeds mattress will be three layers of 3" latex plus a 2" soft topper.  The Sleepez mattress will be three layers of 3" latex (if you get the 10000 model, or four layers of 3" latex if you get the 13000 model).  Sleepez doesn't put a soft 2" topper on top of their mattress like Flobeds does.

Flobeds has a different mattress cover, it soft knit cotton with, IMO, more wool, quilted on all sides of the cover.  The Sleepez mattress cover is woven cotton and as far as I can tell, only has wool incorporated in the top of the cover.

Sleepez offers free shipping. Flobeds does not.

Sleepez will generally be less expensive than Flobeds.  With the extra cost of Flobeds you get the extra 2" topper layer and a nicer cover.

Which one is right for you is a matter of your personal preference, no one can tell you whether Flobeds or Sleepez is "better" than the other.  They are both quality mattresses.  You should phone and talk to both companies to see which one fits your needs better.

Kim, Flobeds does not sell dunlop.


The thing that bothers me about flobeds and Sleep EZ is that I cannot try the mattress out before I buy it.

It would have been so much convenient to try out different ILDS to find what suits me before buying the mattress.

This message was modified Jun 10, 2010 by roy1
Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #7 Jun 10, 2010 3:40 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
They don't advertise Dunlop on their site, but I'm pretty sure, from my conversations with them and from what others have said, that they will order it if that's what the customer wants.  I didn't want Dunlop so I didn't pay much attention, so I could be wrong.
Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #8 Jun 10, 2010 4:29 PM
Joined: May 22, 2010
Points: 112
KimberlyH wrote:

There are differences between the Flobeds and Sleepez mattresses.  The Flobeds mattress will be three layers of 3" latex plus a 2" soft topper.  The Sleepez mattress will be three layers of 3" latex (if you get the 10000 model, or four layers of 3" latex if you get the 13000 model).  Sleepez doesn't put a soft 2" topper on top of their mattress like Flobeds does.

You can get a SleepEZ mattress with two 3" layers and a 1½" soft topper... the 8500 model. But this mattress would not be for a heavier person, as there are only 7½" of latex total in it.

Re: Firmness comparision - talalay vs Dunlop
Reply #9 Jun 10, 2010 9:20 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Ok, I never looked at the 8500 model.  But that one is two 3" base layers and a topper.  Flobeds and Sleepez don't really seem to have any directly comparable products that are exactly like each other.

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