First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Mar 30, 2010 10:59 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
Purchased a 2” Celsion topper and zippered terry cloth cover from



It was delivered yesterday and here are my impressions:

  • Quality is about what I’ve seen from posted photos of latex on this forum. A few missing bits. seamed in approx center(king size)
  • Smelled frown. My wife being allergic to almost everthing I worried about putting it on the bed right away but after returning from the YMCA we changed the sheet and put it on under the bottom fitted sheet (tight fit!)
  • Smell didn’t bother either of us during sleep
  • Hard to get into terry cover, ended up getting it as best I could then flipping over so zippered edge on bottomindecision.
  • Both enjoyed the cushioning
  • My wife thought it was cooler than before without.
    • Temps are projected to be high 60’s low 70’s later this week
  • Did not notice partners moving / re-positioning during the night

We plan on sleeping in this configuration for a while then will decide on next move …I’ll post any revelations “we” observe.

 Previous posted


Need latex mattress help Please
Original Message   Feb 25, 2010 3:22 pm

This message was modified Apr 8, 2010 by rjb772
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #1 Mar 30, 2010 2:09 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I've been wondering about this product for a long time. Thanks for the review.

Budgy, are you familiar with this product? If so I wonder if you could comment on it? I am unclear as to how they change the latex to make it cooler?

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #2 Mar 31, 2010 12:01 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
im really not sure how they accomplish this.  but I am reminded of a great hands on lesson in the classroom a while back....our teacher just asked us what the coldest object in the room is, almost everyone would say the steel legs on our desks.  but every single item in that room was exactly the same temperature (except maybe something sitting in the sun). 

Natural Latex itself is actually a very poor conductor of heat, this is precisely the reason why they use a pincushion mould to distribute the heat evenly throughout the product in order to cure it.  I know that in order for something to literally feel cool to the touch it has to be a good conductor of heat, so I have no clue what on Earth they are adding to this material to give that effect.  I also know that this doesn't always translate into something that actually sleeps cooler. 

Take silk for example.  Silk is a good conductor of heat compared to other natural fabrics, which is why sometimes it is referred to as the coolest sleeping natural fibre you can use.  This is true in the case of a silk filled duvet or mattress pad (with a cotton cover) as silk fleece can breathe very well.  However when the product is woven into a textile fabric it actually doesn't breathe very well at all (silk is used to make parachutes).  It might feel cool to the touch initially but it might actually sleep warmer than cotton and definitely warmer than Linen (Flax is a poor conductor of heat by comparison) and truly the coolest fabric to sleep with. 

In short...the breathability of the foam and its ability to deal with moisture is what will actually effect how you sleep...I don't really see how it can functionally sleep cooler than other varieties of latex foam...unless there is some concept I am maybe not in full understanding of, or something I am missing entirely.

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #3 Mar 31, 2010 12:46 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I actually tried a Celsion topper, mainly to combat heat issues.  In the end I did not find it any cooler.  It might be cooler for the first hour or two, and it did seem cooler to the touch.  However, evenentually it warms up via body heat to about the same temperature as other latex.   At one point I was actually measuring temperatures, and it heated up to about 90 degrees just like my blended latex (after a few hours).   So, I am skeptical that it is a breakthrough.  Maybe the surface can dissipate the heat slighlty faster, but eventually it warms up just the same (in my opinion).  I have the same opinion for Outlast fabrics as well, based on my own use.
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #4 Mar 31, 2010 1:42 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
That seems to fall right in line with what should be scientifically accurate.  It might feel cooler to the touch initially because it can perhaps conduct heat faster, however after a time the temperature difference is null. 

When it comes to talking about people sleeping cooler and or warmer its really important to understand that unless something is warmed by your body heat everything in your room at night is the same temperature.  The only items that will actually effect the temperature of the air around your body significantly will actually be the duvet and sheets you use, as different fills trap in more air than others.  When it comes to mattresses, heat = humidity. You really just need something that can keep you dry.

This message was modified Mar 31, 2010 by budgy
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #5 Mar 31, 2010 3:10 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I would note that when I use Sensus memory foam on top, it does seem hotter than when I use latex or a "cooler" (supposedly more breathable) type memory foam.  I have used it more than once with same results.   I assume that is because it does not breathe as well, it traps more humidity and moisture?   Logically, it seems like it would heat up to the same temperature, but I guess moisture retention might be different. 
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #6 Apr 1, 2010 3:33 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
Not sure how it works but it does sleep cooleryes. My proof is that I'm not getting stuck with covers being thrown over on me as my lovely wife experiences those female dreaded hot flashes.

Checked the LI site and NASA site re phase change material. Both make sense in that the phase change material creates & uses the micro-climate of your body and regulated the long term environment cooling (read that evaporative )abilities by mitigating the necessity to sweat by absorbing heat. Heating is done by the reverse (releasing that absorbed heat). The body doesn't just get hotter and hotter all night it cycles too regulating its' core temp to 98.6 (theoretical ideal) by sweating (cooling) or shivering (heating)

Just my 2 cents as the engineer in me analysis everythingsmiley

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #7 Apr 1, 2010 6:30 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
rjb772 wrote:

Not sure how it works but it does sleep cooleryes. My proof is that I'm not getting stuck with covers being thrown over on me as my lovely wife experiences those female dreaded hot flashes.


Checked the LI site and NASA site re phase change material. Both make sense in that the phase change material creates & uses the micro-climate of your body and regulated the long term environment cooling (read that evaporative )abilities by mitigating the necessity to sweat by absorbing heat. Heating is done by the reverse (releasing that absorbed heat). The body doesn't just get hotter and hotter all night it cycles too regulating its' core temp to 98.6 (theoretical ideal) by sweating (cooling) or shivering (heating)

Just my 2 cents as the engineer in me analysis everythingsmiley

It might make a difference how thick it is and what is over it.  What are you comparing the Celsion to?  What did you put the Celsion over?  A regular innerspring?    I would say that some of the newer innersprings (such as Sealy) with PU quilted into the cover is hotter than latex or the cooler memory foams. 


Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #8 Apr 1, 2010 6:57 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
Celsion topper is 2" thick encased in the Terry cloth zippered cover (also purchased from SLAB). It is placed on top of an 8year old Serta Perfect Night, non pillow-top mattress then covered by the fitted sheet.

I am comparing the Serta with and without the Celsion topper/cover....Nothing else has been altered except possibly the ambient room temp (which should have been a negative contributer as the nighttime temperature has risen over the last 3 from the mid teens to the low 30's. Before you jump to the furnace possibly being on during the nights when the temp was in the teens, we set back our thermostat to 50 at night because of those "hot flashes". I've joked with friends and neighbors that I was possibly going to have to run an air conditioner and the furnace simultaneously to accomodate the minute to minute Jeckyl and Hyde hot flashes causesad

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #9 Apr 1, 2010 7:04 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Okay, so are benchmarks are a bit different.  I was comparing it to blended Talatech latex.   I am not sure what foam would be built into the top of an 8 year old Serta.  If it is PU, then I would agree that the Celsion would probably be cooler.  However, if the Serta is pretty firm with little foam on top, then I would have thought that would have been reasonably cool already.

The real test would be for you to put try a blended latex or 100% natural latex topper, and see if the Celsion is cooler than that.  But, if it is working for you, that is great.

This message was modified Apr 1, 2010 by sandman
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #10 Apr 1, 2010 3:34 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I'm certainly not saying the OP is incorrect, as I have not tried Celsiun at all. But I would suggest that sleeping on a good fluffy but not-too-thick wool or one of the other toppers Budgy mentioned might have more of an effect than the Celsiun. So if you want even more coolness you might try wool or one of the other things. But hey, if the Celsiun is working well enough for you, all I can say is, Great!
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #11 Apr 6, 2010 3:34 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
It's now been 6 nights sleeping on the celsion topper and I still haven't had any covers thrown over on to me so I believe the claim that it sleeps cool. Ambient temps hit the high 80's for three of those 6 days, all three were record high temps (one even broke a 120year record) Nighttime temps dipped into the high 50's which is really hot this time of year in upstate NY. We even broke the overnight high temp on two of those nights. (AC units are still stored in the attic so these nights were sans air conditioning)

I'd say for myself and my wife this purchase is a big thumbs upyes

We did previously try an approximately 1.5" thick wool topper (my wife purchased it so I can't give details on make and cost)  but this, (the celsion) seems to sleep cooler (for us at least). I didn't like the wools tendency to flatten out under my 260+lbs so I think any air pocket(s) crushed overnight under me. Went back to a cotton mattress pad after about 6 months until we got the latex this year.

Cost of the Celsion topper is it's only drawback ($466 for a 2" eastern king) but for me not getting those extra covers thrown on and taken off of me multiple times during the night justifys the cost many times over. 

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #12 Apr 7, 2010 9:26 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
Thanks for the update rjb. Great to know it does what it claims. On another thread you said:

"I'm embarking on a quest to replicate, for my wife, the feel of a Pranasleep Wahe Guru but at a significantly lower price.

This is the first step, the topper. Next comes the FloBed I've been specing out. When I'm finished I plan on being 95-98% the same feel and quality, yet I will have spent less than half.

The Celsion is only my first stepdevil"

I'm so interested in following your progress on this quest. Please keep updating as you go.smiley



Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #13 Apr 7, 2010 10:45 AM
Location: San Jose, CA
Joined: Apr 4, 2010
Points: 143
"I'm embarking on a quest to replicate, for my wife, the feel of a Pranasleep Wahe Guru but at a significantly lower price."

Of course that bed was designed for a deity with six arms. So, it might be hard to replicate. wink

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #14 Apr 7, 2010 1:07 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
rjb772 wrote:

Purchased a 2” Celsion topper and zippered terry cloth cover from


It was delivered yesterday and here are my impressions:

  • Quality is about what I’ve seen from posted photos of latex on this forum. A few missing bits. seamed in approx center(king size)
  • Smelled frown. My wife being allergic to almost everthing I worried about putting it on the bed right away but after returning from the YMCA we changed the sheet and put it on under the bottom fitted sheet (tight fit!)
  • Smell didn’t bother either of us during sleep
  • Hard to get into terry cover, ended up getting it as best I could then flipping over so zippered edge on bottomindecision.
  • Both enjoyed the cushioning
  • My wife thought it was cooler than before without.
    • Temps are projected to be high 60’s low 70’s later this week
  • Did not notice partners moving / re-positioning during the night

We plan on sleeping in this configuration for a while then will decide on next move …I’ll post any revelations “we” observe.

 Previous posted


Need latex mattress help Please
Original Message   Feb 25, 2010 3:22 pm

what did it smell like?  I have always loved the smell of latex.  What ILD did you say it was?

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #15 Apr 7, 2010 2:34 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
rjb772 wrote:

Cost of the Celsion topper is it's only drawback ($466 for a 2" eastern king) but for me not getting those extra covers thrown on and taken off of me multiple times during the night justifys the cost many times over. 

  well put

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #16 Apr 7, 2010 2:44 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Budgy can you find out how Latex International makes this Celsion topper?  What is in it?  Wouldn't they share with a mattress company person?  They are very secretive on their website about it.
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #17 Apr 7, 2010 3:08 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Im curious to know as well....but I don't really do any business with these guys on a direct I am a little hesitant to ask.  They may not want to divulge any info if some of the processes used are proprietary to them as well.
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #18 Apr 7, 2010 4:28 PM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
The ILD is 15 (trying to replicate the Pranasleep 10ILD, 2" top layer). As for the smell , it's hard to describe but initially (just out of the shrink bag) it was not something I would like to bury my nose in. Upon returning from our workout at the YMCA it wasn't quite as intense so we decided to make up the bed with it as the layer directly under the bottom fitted sheet.

Because my wife has enjoyed the difference in comfort from just this 2" topper, she has given me the "OK" to build the rest of the bed (a FloBed Natural Deluxe-Natural Talalay Latex Green Mattress). If it wasn't so late here I would be on the phone now!  I'm leaning toward F/XF/XF for both sides and believe my wife will get all the softness she says she likes from the substitution of the 2" Celsion topper in place of the FloBed 2" convoluted layer. Both have approx the same effective ILD but the Celsion is a full, non egg crate piece. Can't wait to sleep sans divet!  ( Let's see.....8:00AM PT would be 11:00AM here laugh)

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #19 Apr 8, 2010 7:30 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
Just got off the phone with Dewey.....ordered the FloBedsmiley Can't wait for next Friday (when I should be getting delivery)!
Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #20 Apr 8, 2010 12:16 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
rjb772 wrote:

Just got off the phone with Dewey.....ordered the FloBedsmiley Can't wait for next Friday (when I should be getting delivery)!

Please keep us posted, I hope it is the bed of your dreams!

Re: First night on celsion topper.
Reply #21 Apr 9, 2010 2:21 PM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
rjb772 wrote:

Just got off the phone with Dewey.....ordered the FloBedsmiley Can't wait for next Friday (when I should be getting delivery)!

Awesome rjb! (yes I'm from Ca. and yes we still say "awesome")

I hope you're well on your way to duplicate the "Pranasleep Wahe Guru".

Ditto what Leo said. smiley

Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #22 Apr 16, 2010 1:58 PM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
My new FloBed just showed up! Assembly was a breeze, even easier than putting the Celsion topper into the Terrycloth cover.

The new bed is a Natural Deluxe eastern king. It's currently configured XF/XF/F both sides (although Dewey picked out XF's at higher end ILD for my side and marked the shipping bags as mine). My wife helped assemble it so first we zipped everything up with the FloBed convoluted topper as the top layer, laid on it for a few minutes then unzipped and replaced the convoluted with the 2" Celsion topper. We both liked this "feel" better and decided this is the configuration we will test drive. We plan on using the convoluted topper on the twin beds (cut in half) in the spare bedroom for the grandkids use.

Sheets fit on a whole lot easier than they did on the old Serta Perfect Night (~15" deep non-pillowtop) and my wife says it's lighter lifting the corners too.

I goofed up and should have put both summer & winter dust ruffles on so you could just fold under the unused one (they're different colors to match the winter & summer color schemes).

I'll post again after a few nights on this (new) setup.

Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #23 Apr 22, 2010 6:03 AM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67
Well my wife and I decided we wouldn't change a thing! Both of us are very comfortable with the setup of XF/XF/F and the celsion replacing the convoluted topper.

Today we put the old Serta Perfect Night out for garbage pickup.

Very very satisfied.

Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #24 Apr 22, 2010 7:49 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
rjb772, Thank you for sharing your experience with the bed.  What I like is that a topper of choice does fit inside the zippered cover.  I am so glad that you wife and you got the set up right the first time and Dewey was able to find X-Firm ILD's on the higher side for you.  I love sleeping on my latex bed (a FloBed like yours but I have a different topper and not the convoluted topper that many people love but I wanted only a 1" cushion on top) and I am glad you and your wife are getting the same comfort and wonderful sleeping experience.
Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #25 Apr 22, 2010 8:12 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
rjb772 wrote:

Well my wife and I decided we wouldn't change a thing! Both of us are very comfortable with the setup of XF/XF/F and the celsion replacing the convoluted topper.


Today we put the old Serta Perfect Night out for garbage pickup.

Very very satisfied.

Are you going to return the convoluted topper?  I think they may refund you something for it.


Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #26 Apr 22, 2010 11:54 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Sandman, he said he was going to use it over the guest beds, cut in half.

Congratulations RJB on your mattress success.  Do you have a thread with what you setup and your age/weight info for reference for future buyers (perhaps me)?  I see you got natural talalay F/XF/XF.  But do you have any ailments like bursitis in the hip?  I am so wishing this would help me, but I have my doubts.

Again congrats.

Re: First night on celsion topper. Stage II (the bed)
Reply #27 Apr 22, 2010 3:09 PM
Joined: Feb 25, 2010
Points: 67

First posted Need latex mattress help Please
Original Message   Feb 25, 2010 3:22 pm

My wife and I don't really have any "structural" ailments. We've been going to the YMCA since January (Christmas present from us to us) and I have been losing weight steadily, My wife is having a harder time sheading pounds even though she exercises much more than I do.i've told her the it's the fact that muscle burns fat faster and men are naturally more muscular.

We do have the "normal" aging aches and pains from overdoing ( we both still think & act younger than our years). My wife has the dreaded Menopause symptoms and for me I joke that the proverbial Lynch pin fell out when I turned 55. Thank God my wife kept me in relatively good shape because I needed every advantage I could. My extra weight came from being sedintary in between the numerous surgerys to get that darn pin back in.

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