Flobed set up - step by step
Feb 7, 2009 12:19 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
I got my new Flobed - mattress only - earlier this week.  I didn't get a new box spring because the Flobed is replacing a Dormia memory foam bed and I'm keeping the Dormia box spring.  As it turns out, the Dormia mattress is much heavier than the Flobed so I assume all will be fine.  I appreciated BillB's step by step for Foambymail so I thought I would do the same for Flobed.  Hopefully it helps some of you in your decision process.  Over all, I'm happy with the new bed so far.

The boxes were sort of beat up when they arrived but there was no damage inside.  I DO NOT recommend taking the boxes into the house/bedroom.  They were pretty dirty and left some black marks on the carpet.

Here's what was inside the 3 boxes.  All the components for the mattress.  In the 7 bags on the left are the 6 cores and the convolute pad that goes on top.  All of the latex components are double bagged.  The inner bag is vacuum sealed to compress the latex.  The bag to the right is the mattress material - top and bottom.  Each bag has a tag to indicate what is inside.

Here I've placed the bottom part of the mattress enclosure on top of the box spring and folded down the sides in preparation for the latex cores.

Taking a latex core out of the first bag.  As I mentioned earlier, there is a second bag that is vacuum sealed.  If you look closely, you can see the wrinkled plastic from the second bag.

Showing the second bag open and the latex core folded up inside.  The latex doesn't expand all that much but vacuum sealing it certainly makes it less bulky for shipping.

The latex core is a bit longer than the mattress enclosure seam on both ends.  However, this will not be a problem when zipping up the enclosure.

Each core is labeled on one end to indicate size, firmness, etc.  The labeled end should be at the foot of the bed.

Here's an end view after all the cores have been laid in place.  They were not difficult at all to place.  It is fairly easy to move them and adjust as necessary.  Next comes the convolute pad that goes on top.

Here's the convolute pad.  OOPS!  Houston, we have a problem.  They sent a 7th core instead of the pad.  I contacted Flobeds and I had a new convolute pad in 2 days.  On to the RIGHT photo...

Here's the bed with the convolute pad on top.  One side is flat and one side is like an egg carton.  Place the egg carton side up.  Now you are ready to zip it all up.

As you can kind of see from this photo, the mattress enclosure material seems to fairly heavy duty and of nice quality.  The zipper attaches at the foot of the bed in the middle.  The photo shows the begining of the zipping process.

I assembled the bed the first time without the convolute pad and used it that way for 2 nights.  After adding the pad, I realized the mattress top has sort of a flap on it.  Flip this down so it surrounds the latex as you zip.  The convolute sort of sticks out and flipping down this material definitely makes it easier to zip.

Here it is all neatly zipped up.  I think it looks pretty good in general.

I found the bed to be pretty cold compared to the previous mattress.  I think it's a combination of latex being different than memory foam and the fact that it is winter here in Minnesota.  So, because I didn't want to feel cold all night long for a 3rd night, I picked up a fiber bed at Kohl's.  I personally think this fiber bed is a little too thick.  Someone on the forum had mentioned the SnugFleece Original mattress topper.  I will look into getting something like that if this doesn't work out..  For now, I think I will be moving the cores around to make things a little firmer on the side I sleep on.  The bed seemed very  good in terms of firmness until I added the fiber bed.

Here is the current set-up for the cores:

  • Side A top to bottom  (where I sleep):  Firm, XFirm, Firm
  • Side B:  Medium, Firm, XFirm

I ordered it this way to give me more options for moving things around after the bed arrived.  I suspect I will be doing some core exchanges before the 90 days are up.  I don't think I need the medium.

Today I plan to pull the XFirm from side B and place it on top on side A and see if that takes out some of the extra softeness due to the fiber bed.  I will also remove the actual mattress pad as it is pretty thick and I'm sure it adds to the softness.  That will leave a moisture cover on the bed and then the fiber bed.

The latex is pretty springy.  With the memory foam bed, even when it was brand new, there were seemingly permanent indentations in the bed after one night sleeping on it.  Not so with the Flobed.  It does sink in where your body curves out and then nicely supports the other parts of the body.  When you get off the bed, it immediately springs back into shape.

That's about all I can think of to say for now.  I can always add more photos if there is something specific you want to see.

This message was modified Feb 7, 2009 by BobJ
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #6 Feb 7, 2009 6:44 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
Thanks Lynn2006.  You always provide very useful information and I appreciate it.  I am testing tonight without the fiber bed and I hope it works out as I really don't want it - so I'll give an update tomorrow.  The fact that your latex bed is warmer than your old bed is encouraging.  I do have a down comforter in a duvet cover.  I remember when I bought it, the first one was too heavy and hot so I took it back and exchanged for a lighter one.  Maybe I need the heavier one now.  You may recall that I was upset with Flobed over the screwed up shipment.  When the convolute top arrived, they also sent a pillow with memory foam on one side and latex on the other side.  It is fantastic - the old pillow is history.  So the saga continues.  I'm confident I found the right mattress but I may do some fine tuning before it's all done.
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #7 Feb 8, 2009 5:46 AM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
So the fiber bed is not necessary for warmth.  With all the parts, including the convolute pad, the bed is warm.  I wonder if Kohl's will let me return it?
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #8 Feb 8, 2009 8:35 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
BobJ, I am glad that your bed is now warm enough wthout the fiber topper. I would pack up the bed and tell Kohl's that you do not need it and I do not see why they would not give you your money back.  Or tell them it was a gift and the other person does not want it with your receipt showing you just purchased it.  Please keep us updated. If you still need warmth, I would buy the heavier down comforter but maybe you are alright now without any more changes.  I am glad FloBeds sent you a pillow and this way you can see which side you like better on the pillow.  You are on your way to comfortable sleeping. 
Re: Flobed--are you liking it?
Reply #9 Feb 14, 2009 2:48 PM
Joined: Feb 14, 2009
Points: 2
BobJ, how's the bed working for you?  We also received our new Flobed about a week ago and have been enjoying it.  My side was soft/med/firm and DH's med/firm/xf, but yesterday we switched the top cores because mine seemed a little soft.  I'm worried that the soft core might indent or break down sooner than the others.  I think the med/med/firm will be just right for me.   But as you can tell, we like fairly soft beds!  We're not heavy (128 and 162 pounds) and don't have back issues, at least when we get regular exercise.
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #10 Feb 14, 2009 7:56 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
BlueMoon2, I am glad you are liking your new FloBed like I love mine. What is your husband preferring s the latex combination of ILD's?

I found I could not sleep on anything softer than an XFirm latex core with a topper so I must like very firm beds but I have back problems now form a car accident.  Do you have the soft latex topper on top of your latex cores?  My father also loved soft beds while my mother loved very firm beds. They used to sleep on a king platform bed with a king headboard but on top was two twin beds to accommodate their very different comfort levels.  I guess I take after my mother and amazingly I see my mom now when I look in the mirror since she passed away when I was 16 and she was 44.  She was so cute and petite and a little more curvy than me.  I miss her so much. But I'll never forget how hard here bed was and if we were at a hotel and the bed was too soft, she would have me and her sleep on the floor to make sure I never hurt my back. She could not understand how my father liked such a soft bed but he never had back problems.

Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #11 Feb 15, 2009 7:23 AM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
Hello BlueMoon2.  I don't have it all "tuned in" yet but I would say the bed is working out pretty well and I have no regrets.  I am 165 lbs and right now I have it at firm/xfirm/xfirm.  My preference is more like Lynn2006 and I may even get some super firm cores. I've been changing things around.  Dewey had advised to not change them too frequently but to give your body time to adjust.  I have been changing things about every 2 days which may still be too frequent.  I had it softer in the beginning.  I liked the soft feel but was finding that my back did not.  I've also found  that the bed is warmer than the old and I've ended up removing some blankets.  Dewey claims that the convoluted pad stimualtes blood circulation and causes your body to be warmer.  He said my body will adjust and the sense of being too warm will go away.  I hope and assume the cores will hold up and not deteriorate for a long time.  The old memory foam bed tended to sag more as the night went on.  I have definitely noticed that this bed does not do that and I'm happy about it.  I'm sure some folks are completely satisfied with the original cores when the new bed arrives but I am glad we have the 90 day period to do the core exchanges.  Even if I don't need the super firm, I want both sides to be the same in the end.  Right now, the other side is firm/firm/medium and it is too soft for my liking.  So right now I would say I am in "like" with the bed and not yet in "love" with it.  I am, however, very pleased with the way it is working out and am confident that I will get it fully tuned in to my liking.
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #12 Feb 17, 2009 3:10 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
I got a request to update the post and add some photos so here goes...

Last night I set up the cores as follows:  xfirm / xfirm / firm.  This has been the best setting todate.  I don't sleep on the other side that currently has:  firm / firm / medium.  I don't think all the xfirm cores are truly the same density and I believe this threw me off a bit last week.  I felt I sank in too much on the xfirm at that time and I had the same core configuration as last night.  This time I put the other xfirm on top and didn't sink in all that much.  I will keep this setting tonight.  I think I probably want things a bit more firm yet and am intending to order 2 super firm cores tomorrow.  I will likely swap out the medium and a firm.  I'm sort of hoping that this will be my only exchange.  I expect to have the following 3 cores on each side:  super firm / xfirm / firm.  I'll say TBD on the stacking sequence of the 3.  I'm still happy with the bed and have no concerns about getting it set just the way I want.  I've had it for 2 weeks now and I think the core exchange program is great as it really gives you the opportunity to adjust the bed as needed.  I'll also say that I still feel the Flowbed is better than memory foam and I don't want a bed with springs in it.  I mentioned before that the bed has been a bit warm compared to the memory foam bed.  I had 2 blankets and a down comforter.  I took away one blanket and things are fine now.  Here are some more-detailed photos of the convolute pad:

Side view photo below:

Looking straight down on the pad:

View showing top & bottom of pad:
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #13 Feb 17, 2009 4:26 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Great pictures Bob. I wish the sellers websites would post pictures like that before you buy! Some have the smallest pictures to try to see the product. Thanks!

Thats great you are happy with it and can swap what you want to. Interesting the same firmness is different on each core piece. I thought Dunlop was the only latex that was inconsistent. But it sounds like Talalay is that way too.
This message was modified Feb 17, 2009 by Leo3
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #14 Feb 18, 2009 11:38 AM
Joined: Feb 14, 2009
Points: 2
I didn't sleep very well with our top cores switched, so I went back to s/m/f (top down).  I had a little back kink this morning, but it was better than with m/f/f.  My husband prefers m/f/xf and says he's sleeping well.  I was hoping that my morning tossing would stop, but it's probably due to something else.
Re: Flobed set up - step by step
Reply #15 Feb 18, 2009 1:43 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
Bluemoon2 - don't give up!  I don't know if you are switching things around every day but Flobeds told me that you should give it at least a couple of nights for your body to adjust after you move cores around.  I have to say that this advice helped me because I was changing things every day prior to that.  And even though I want to exchange some cores, I find I am sleeping very well at night - no tossing and turning at all.  Except for where they cover me, the blankets have been in the same place every morning.  I don't know if it is the bed or just a coincidence but I feel much more rested this week and I don't feel tired at work.  I did order two super firm cores today.  When I originally ordered the bed, I used the calculator on the web site and indicated I wanted a firm bed.  It didn't suggest getting any super firm cores.  In hind sight, I wish I had ordered 2 super firms at that time.  On the other hand, the bed is quite comfortable right now and there is no urgent need for me to have the new cores - I just want to make sure I have things tuned in as best possible before my 90 days are up.  Good luck and don't give up.  With the core exchange program, although it will cost a little extra, you have a great opportunity to fine tune things and if that means you get a bed that is comfortable for the next 10 years, I think it is well worth it.  Keep us posted and I will do the same.

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