We are returning our high end Thempur-pedic tomrrow after 86 days of trying to get use to it. I found it way to hot and I live in NH and keep the heat at 55 degrees, I can only imagine how it would be in the summer! I also did not find it inviting, to hard and I woke up everytime I had to change positions and climb out of a hole. My question is will I have the same type of experience with a Flobed? Is it also like sitting on a rock? Our last interspring mattress was terrible and prefer not to go back to one of those. Please help! |
I guess it's just that so many folks come and register, make a post or two or three, get what they're looking for, leave and never return to let us know how it went. The only way these websites work is if everybody shares their experiences. This particular poster not only posted here but the very same post on my thread "I just bought a FloBeds". I responded both places, here and on my thread pointing to her thread. There was no way that they could take our advice and check it out in the timeframe that I stipulated. It just seems rather odd to me. I guess what I need is a vacation. So I think I'll take one. This message was modified Mar 29, 2010 by eagle2
I agree with Eagle on this one. People took the time to respond, but it seems unlikely that a Flobed was even a realistic option. I wish the conversation with her husband would have occorred before asking for advice. If ordering on the internet was not an option, then why ask about a Flobed? The down side being that everytime this occurs others are a little less likely to take their time responding. Of course, when there are 2 or more people making the decision, the dynamics can be hard to manage. So, possibly just a misunderstanding. Eagle, have you picked out a good vacation spot? Maybe I will head there as well.... |
As someone who has spent a quite of time here, asked questions, done some searches, requested and received samples from various online suppliers and STILL have not made a decision, I just want to say that no post those of you with knowledge and experience make is wasted. I have many times "decided" that yes, X dealer was for me, only to get some new info that made me rethink and look for more info. The last one was receiving a sample piece of Dunlop latex, and dangit if I don't think I might prefer the way if feels over the blended Talalay sample from someone else. So, while I might love what one offers in one area, I might prefer something else that someone else offers in another. It is a daunting process. And even with the exchange process and all, it can still be an exhausting and expensive proposition for some of us to get it right. Just my 2 cents |
Boy, eagle2, I feel like I just got beatup! My husband was happy with the Thempur-pedic. I was the one who was not happy with it and we only had 2 days left on our 90 day trial. I was trying to like it for my husband's sake, but when we had a few nice days here in New England and the temperature got into the 60's I really started to feel the "heat" so to speak. Come summer, it would have been unbearable. So, a decision had to be made. I showed my husband the Flobed website and he was not interested in that route. (that was after I requested info from this site) It's obvious that I could not sell him on this option even with the opinions from this site. So please forgive me for wasting your time. Leo3, I don't know where you get your info, but soy is still an excellent source of plant based protein. We eat soy 3 or 4 times a week. Only people with estrogen receptor positive malignancies need to be careful with the amount of soy based products they consume. Soy bean oil, a renewable source, is being used to replace petroleum based chemicals when making polyurethanes used in insulation, padding, clothing, and resin for adhesives. Kimberly H, thank you for sticking up for me. I appreciate the support and I'll let you all know what we think of the Spaldin. Take care all |
I got my information from the same place you did. Soy is an estrogen feeder. Most of the world has problems with estrogen overload. I don't pretend to know more than you or less. Good luck to you. |
Well said... ditto! This message was modified Mar 29, 2010 by Natalia
Leo3, I have a hard time believing that the estrogen overload (which I agree is a growing problem) is due to the soy bean. It's more likely an outcome of synthetic hormones being injected into our food supply worldwide. |
It is another contributing factor adding to estrogen overload. Milk, eggs, cheese, and meat that are treated with antibiotics/hormones is a major contributing factor. But that is another forum LOL.![]() This message was modified Mar 31, 2010 by Leo3
Hard to say.....I also know that drinking beer raises estrogen.....but im not quite ready to give that up entirely LOL. |