FloBeds to SleepEZ price match
Apr 25, 2010 1:34 AM
Joined: Apr 16, 2010
Points: 21
I have heard several people here say that their FloBeds price after discounts and sales was pretty much the same after some sales prices and such.  This was for the blended Talalay.  I like the idea of the convoluted topper on the FloBeds, or the ability to put something else in its place.  Also based on some recent reviews, the top, sides and bottom of the FloBeds cover is all the same with 2 inch blended cotton/wool.  This would allow me to use either side of the mattress (by flipping) without going inside to change around the layers. 
Has anyone tried to get FloBeds to pricematch the equivalent 4 layer SleepEZ bed and been successful?  I would rather not wait for a "sale" to pick up the mattress, or deal with credits while getting the better price of SleepEZ.  Has anyone had FloBeds turn down the sale in this situation? 
Re: FloBeds to SleepEZ price match
Reply #1 Apr 25, 2010 5:57 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
That's a good point about being able to flip the mattress without having to unzip it and switch around layers.  But it's such an easy operation to do, it's really no biggie.  TBH, I'd just pay Flobeds their price. 
Re: FloBeds to SleepEZ price match
Reply #2 Apr 25, 2010 6:20 AM
Joined: Apr 16, 2010
Points: 21
I am sure it is easy to do, but with these latex layers shipping with rips and glued, I have to think that they are some what fragile.  Moving these layers around increases the risk of ripping one or maybe not putting it back into desired order.   Also from my understanding, depending on the users weight, the lower layers may never come into use.   This could be a case of allowing a mattress to be built like F/XF/F and then using the 2 inch wool topper or not depending on the side that is in use.  It "may" also extend the overall life of the mattress. " In my case I am looking at a split king config, and these are much easer to move around/flip whole than queen or regular king.

If these prices were firm, that is one thing, but there are forum members saying there that due to sales over the 90 day period, they are getting the FloBeds for the SleepEZ price.  Why not ask them directly then to price match without jumping though hoops.  I have better things to do with a few hundred than give it directly to FloBeds if their product is over priced to begin with.  While the margins here might not be the 45/50% that mattresses get in a retial store, I am sure they are still pretty good.

Re: FloBeds to SleepEZ price match
Reply #3 Apr 26, 2010 2:01 PM
Joined: Jan 11, 2010
Points: 49
I don't know if Flobeds would go for it, but I wish they would. I would prefer Flobeds, but am planning on ordering from SleepEz because of the price difference. Because I'm in CA, the combination of having to pay for shipping and CA Sales Tax just makes too much of a difference in the bottom line.

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