Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Aug 28, 2010 10:02 AM
Location: North Jersey (NYC metro)
Joined: Aug 13, 2010
Points: 22
For those who have followed Flobeds for a while, is this one of those mattress companies that always has a "sale" going on?


Assuming that's the case, what has been the best sale you've seen from them, when prices were actually discounted more than usual?  I'm trying to determine if it's worth waiting for something like Labor Day, Columbus Day, Black Friday etc. to consider buying from them.  Or find out whether they've ever offered sale pricing in the 20-25% off range, or more?
I see they're currently running a sale that's supposedly ending today, but if they're like most mattress shops I would expect to see another one start tomorrow.  Or is this actually unusual for them?
This message was modified Aug 28, 2010 by InsoManiac
Re: Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Reply #1 Aug 28, 2010 9:21 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
They do have a price guarantee - might look on their website to see what it is or call them and ask.  Basically if the mattresses go on sale you can get a price adjustment.  I don't think they offer 20-25% sale pricing.  . . it's more along the lines of $100-200 off.

Basically, not really worth waiting for a sale.  Just buy the thing, wait for the sale, and ask for a price adjustment.

Re: Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Reply #2 Aug 29, 2010 7:43 AM
Location: North Jersey (NYC metro)
Joined: Aug 13, 2010
Points: 22
That's helpful, thanks KimberlyH.
Re: Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Reply #3 Aug 30, 2010 5:42 AM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
It's not unusual for them to have sales.  Yes, they usually do have new sales starting shortly after the previous sale ends, although the sales are not exactly the same.  The value you get from the sales is probably about equal, though.

When I purchased, it was at a time in-between sales, and they generously offered to give me a choice of applying to my purchase either the perks of a sale that I missed, or the perks of a sale that they had coming up.  I didn't even ask for that, they just offered it to me pro-actively.

I think the sales I'm talking about were something like either: $200 off the bed, or $100 off the bed plus two free latex pillows.

This message was modified Aug 30, 2010 by confusedbedbuyer
Re: Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Reply #4 Aug 30, 2010 8:48 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
You may want to just call Flobeds and ask if they can give you the sale price(usually around $200 off?).  The economy is weak, so I am sure they wouldn't mind a new customer.
This message was modified Aug 30, 2010 by sandman
Re: Flobeds - is there a best time to buy?
Reply #5 Aug 30, 2010 1:28 PM
Location: North Jersey (NYC metro)
Joined: Aug 13, 2010
Points: 22
sandman wrote:

You may want to just call Flobeds and ask if they can give you the sale price(usually around $200 off?).  The economy is weak, so I am sure they wouldn't mind a new customer.

I haven't decided which way I want to go yet, whether to get a whole new latex mattress, or retrofit one of my innerspring models with either a talalay topper or through mattress surgery.

I have a Simmons Beautyrest Classic Plush Firm, only about 2.5 years old that has become too soft to tolerate any longer. Mine is a Hutson, but I believe it's exactly the same as the W Heavenly Bed. Anyway, I think the 5 inches or so of P/U foam has probably broken down in that short amount of time because it's really not like it was when new.  I also have a Mattress Factory (NJ) model that we were never too happy with, which is probably 5 years old now but only saw a couple years of use before getting relegated to guest room duty.

The spring core in either of these mattresses is probably fine, but I don't know whether I want to experiment with trying to make one of them into a good base for a layer of latex or just dump one one of them cheap on Craigslist to make room for a new FloBed or similar, and be done with the springs altogether.

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