Flobeds vs. Sleepez
Aug 7, 2008 6:14 AM
Joined: Aug 2, 2008
Points: 2

We've been doing tons of research about these two companies and can't decide which one to go with - any advice? Did anyone have the same dilemma? Which company did you decide to go with? Both companies seem to have good customer service....flobeds now has a sale with the slat foundation included in the price, so their prices are almost the same (assuming we have to buy the slat foundation from sleepez).

About us, we are a couple in our late thirties/early forties that have been sleeping on a cheap innerspring mattress for 15 years (I think we paid $500 for this king bed).  After reading all the wonderful things about latex mattresses, we've decided to go ahead and get one. While my husband can sleep on pretty much anything, he prefers a softer bed.  I have a heck of a time sleeping on our bed anymore and I'm always sore in the morning - midback and hips mostly.  I also prefer softer beds, I think!  Both of us toss and turn throughout the night, sleeping in all positions, but we both tend to favor sleeping on our sides more....

Again, any advice would be greatly appreciated - it's such a big purchase I want to make sure we're happy with it! Thanks,


Re: Flobeds vs. Sleepez
Reply #1 Aug 7, 2008 4:12 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I went with FloBeds and I was very happy having 90 days to do exchanges to get the bed the way I liked it. When my furniture arrived and I needed an headboard attachment for the slat bed for my new Wesley Allen Iron Headboard, they overnighted it to me at no charge.  They switched the legs twice for me so now I have 10" legs so my bed is up higher for my taller headboard and there is room under the bed. I like how their zipped up very comfortable mattress cover holds not only the three layers of split cores I ordered but a topper as well for that little bit of cushion since I sleep on my side.  I also do not like to pay restocking fees so I went with a company that if I change my mind, I could get my money back.  I love my latex bed and I no longer wake up with a stuffy nose like I did from my old conventional mattress.

You will love having a latex bed.  I also love my slat bed that makes the latex supportive and it stays put and does not move like a bed with wheels. I put a bed skirt that wraps around the bed to hide what I put under the bed. 

Re: Flobeds vs. Sleepez
Reply #2 Aug 7, 2008 5:07 PM
Joined: Aug 2, 2008
Points: 2
Thanks for the info Lynn....do you have the standard slat foundation or the euro-slats? (I think that's what they were called) Did you have to order the topper separately, or was it part of that bed?

Anyone have the Vzone layer from flobeds? I was also wondering about that type.....

Again, thanks to all for any advice/info you can give! Have a great night :)

Re: Flobeds vs. Sleepez
Reply #3 Aug 9, 2008 7:59 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I have the Pine Slat Bed with 10" legs and headboard brackets that I attached my Wesley Allen Headboard.  The 2" natural talalay latex topper came as part oft he bed (I at first order 100% natural but the bottom two layers on my bed are both 44 ILD blended latex now to give me the firmness I wanted and they are giving me no allergy problems) but being that I am not quite 100 lbs and not quite 5 feet tall, I wanted a topper that was not more than 1" thick since with a comfortable 2" pad, I do not sink in enough to feel the very firm bed underneath that I needed for my back.

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