glued king or two separate talalay toppers?
Sep 2, 2011 5:10 PM
Joined: Sep 2, 2011
Points: 2

I am trying to figure out the best way to handle this-

I have a firm latex mattress from CozyPure in Norfolk Va. I need a topper (probably 2-3 inch) to soften it a bit. I am definitely going for the all natural latex - NOT a synthetic blend. 

Do you think it is a good idea to buy two twinXL toppers of different softness(for me and my husband) and put them inside one king topper cover (and where could I get a good one sold separate from the topper itself), or should I get two twinXL toppers, each with their individual topper covers? 

I had a king topper and we could feel the seam in the middle of the bed- it was pretty lame. I am wondering if anyone has done either of the above two options, and how did it work out? And which brand of toppers/covers did you use?


Thanks for any input!!

This message was modified Sep 3, 2011 by ashadore

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