Hastens Marquis or Carpe Diem Koster?
Jun 23, 2011 10:36 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 2
Hi all,

I've just moved to Denmark from abroad, and I'll stay here for at least 3 or 4 years. I'm shopping for a mattress. Understandably, I don't wanna spend too much since I might throw away the bed afterwards in case I return back to the US.

Low end Hastens (Marquis) or Carpe Diem (Koster) models are within my budget in 140x200 cm size. I could compromise a bit sleeping space and get a superior one (Excel II / Malo). I could also look for high end models from a bit more affordable brands like Jensen or Wonderland.

Besides, there's an alternative product line from Carpe Diem which has some less expensive models only sold here (Kattegatt). That's also an option. I don't know the real difference between this one and the one sold in the US and around the world, though:


What would you do? Thanks in advance.

Best wishes.

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