Help Buying a new Mattress
Hello, I'm new to the forum; I've been looking for a new mattress for the last two weeks. My current mattress is 10 years old and I noticed that when I sleep on my stomach, I wake up with the worst lower back pain. I thought maybe it was the pillow on my bed but I realized when i traveled for work a few months ago, i woke up every morning feeling refreshed. My first night back home, my back was killing me the next morning. So, I went to a couple of Mattress stores here in GA. One major retailer and the other specializes only in Mattresses. I'm looking at one called
Can anyone offer any insight on either mattress. I know the lady is tired of me coming in there to lay on these mattresses but I'm just torn.
Thanks in advance for any insight. |
Re: Help Buying a new Mattress Sall
(Jul 2, 2011 7:12 AM) -
Re: Help Buying a new Mattress slpngoc
(Jul 2, 2011 9:00 AM)