Help choosing a new mattress
Jun 9, 2011 10:59 AM
Joined: Jun 9, 2011
Points: 3
Hello everyone, this is about purchasing a new mattress, so I'll give you a quick rundown on my situation:

For years I used a hand-me-down mattress.  It was a little firm, so I put a memory foam mattress pad on top.  I first tried a 2" pad, but I still woke up with aches and pains (I guess it wasn't enough to fix the firmness of the mattress).  I then bought a 3" pad and it worked very well at alleviating my pressure point pains (it sank in on my lower back, resulting in some discomfort, but it was the best solution I could find).

The mattress started to sag and was just getting old so I purchased a new mattress with a MEDIUM rating.  This mattress is a little softer than my old mattress, but it's still not soft enough to use the 2" memory foam pad.  And the 3" pad seems to sink in more on this mattress (resulting in even more lower back pain).

I'm going to return the new MEDIUM mattress.  Do you think I should try a PLUSH mattress and hope that the 2" will give me enough pain relief?  Or should I buy a FIRM mattress (knowing that the 2" pad won't work) and hope that the 3" pad will be as effective on it as it was on my old mattress?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance to any replies!

Re: Help choosing a new mattress
Reply #1 Jun 9, 2011 6:45 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Generally speaking people who are side sleepers need some padding to protect their shoulders from pressure points. But if you have too much padding (as in a broken-in pillowtop in many cases) your lower back will hurt due to lack of support.

My advice is to get a medium firm mattress with some padding but not too much. Then try a super soft latex pad on top. Try 1 or 1.5" of 18-22ILD latex then if that's not enough padding add another 1 - 1.5" of soft latex. Memory foam, imho, gives out and lacks support after a short while. I've yet to see any that didn't and I've tried 3, 4 and 5lb memory foams as well as Tempurpedic.

The problem with most S company mattresses is that the PU or polyurethane foam in them gives out after a few months or more and then you are stuck with a mattress that is worthless - unless you perform mattress surgery on it. Also, many S Co mattresses are too soft from the get-go and do not provide adequate support.

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