help with mattress sizing
Aug 13, 2014 8:34 PM
Joined: Aug 13, 2014
Points: 1
I bought a vintage bed for my grandson at an estate sale. I have measured it 4x - its 52 X 71.5 - where do I find a mattress for this? Not double, not 3/4, not antique - help!!
Re: help with mattress sizing
Reply #1 Aug 14, 2014 5:46 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
That's pretty close to a full size.  That won't fit?

If you google custom size matress, you can find some places that make them custom size.  Maybe one near you or have it shipped. 

Or you could possibly make yourself out of custom order foams. 


Re: help with mattress sizing
Reply #2 Aug 18, 2014 4:25 PM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
wstuter wrote:

I bought a vintage bed for my grandson at an estate sale. I have measured it 4x - its 52 X 71.5 - where do I find a mattress for this? Not double, not 3/4, not antique - help!!

Wstuter.  Sandman is right.  If you can make a full sized mattress fit on the thing that is the way to go.  The other solution is a full sized foam mattress, chalk line and electric knife is the next best alternative.  You can certainly find a custom mattress shop to build it for you but the expense will probably be more than you hoped for.  Mattdud

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