Help me choose a mattress or topper
Jun 17, 2009 9:50 PM
Joined: Jun 17, 2009
Points: 9
Hi everyone,

I'm searching for either a topper or possibly a new mattress that will help me feel comfortable.  I have a severe type of rheumatoid arthritis and am currently "sleeping" on an 8 year old S**** pillowtop mattress.  The innerspring feels like its in good shape, but the pillowtop has seen its better days.  No impressions, it just doesn't cushion me anymore.  I've tried a cheap 2" 4lb memory foam topper and I felt like I was sinking to the bottom of a pit.  It really hurt my back too.  I've ordered a 1" 7lb topper from Big O hoping it will be more supportive and have less to fall into.  I'm thinking the pillowtop is causing the pitlike feeling though by taking up empty space.

Assuming I should try and save this mattress, will the 7lb topper work?  Should I exchange it for a latex topper since they're firmer and that seems to be what everyone else is using?

I'm really thinking I have a lost cause on my hands, though and I've been looking at other possiblities for getting a good night's slight.  I looked at healthy back's latex systems and they were comfy, but way too expensive for my current budget.  I've also been looking at SleepEZ, which is more affordable and I've heard good things about, but its still expensive.

I've also been considering the DIY route.  For this, is FBM as bad as people seem to think?  Its definately cheap enough, but I don't want to pay for something that will breakdown in time (I really don't care about the cosmetic issues people have reported, but I worry the cosmetic issues indicate lesser quality foam all around.  If someone from FBM could address this, that would be great).  The configuration I'm thinking about from FBM would be a:

1" Venus memory foam topper
2" Medium topper
6" Firm base

The other DIY place I've been looking at is foamorder.  I have a few questions - Would their 6" Mattress work or would it bottom out.  Here's the configuration I'd like to do:

1" Venus foam topper
3" Medium Upper Layer
3" Extra Firm Bottom Layer

According to their guide, this will give me a Medium Firm mattress.  Plus my Venus foam will help with pressure points.  Is this good or do I need the middle layer?  Also, will I bottom out having only a 3" bottom layer?  I figure I can always add layers when I have a larger budget or need to change to softness.  I also realize a 1" soft latex topper would probably be better, but I already have the Venus coming and might as well make use of it (so long as its comfy).

Oh, just so you know, I'm a male, 5' 7" in height, and I weigh about 140 lbs.

I really appreciate any advice.  My first choice would be to save my old bed, but I don't want to keep throwing money at it.  A couple last questions...How much do the latex Mattresses weigh?  Is it easy to get them up to the bedroom?  And how do I get rid of my current mattress when the UPS guy drops my latex foam off?

More questions keep popping into my head...Can I use a latex mattress on my current box spring or do I need to buy a special one?

Lastly, these DIY options are considerably cheaper than, say, SleepEZ.  Am I loosing much in quality by going with FoamOrder, or is it more of a convenience issue -- that they help you to find the right sleep system.

Sorry, for rambling on...its late, but I really don't want to go to bed because I've been so uncomfortable lately.  I'm leaning toward foamorder since they have the extra firm base, I'm just afraid 3" will bottom out.  Please, let me know what you think of the prospect of saving my old bed, and the setup of the DIY mattresses.  If I should make any changes, let me I know.  Thanks again for reading my post and answering my questions?

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