Help with replacing comfort layer please!
We purchased a 100% latex DIY mattress in 2005 from the old (Mark's 1/2 Price Bedding) company, and we have been very happy with it ever since. The latex layers themselves have held up beautifully, but the 1" comfort layer is shot and we need to replace it. The layer we purchased originally was called "Quiltflex", and all I know of its construction is that it is a 1" single-sheet foam product. I don't think we want anything thicker than 1", because that would potentially detract from the benefits of the latex mattress itself. I'm having a hard time finding something similar to take its place, and thought someone here might be able to help. I know this forum was invaluable to us back in 2005 when we were mattress shopping! Thanks, Lisa |
Re: Help with replacing comfort layer please! RustyShackleford
(Jan 30, 2012 9:27 AM)