Here's how to post your photos!
Oct 27, 2009 5:50 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2009
Points: 51
Open a Flickr account (it's free) and get your photos on Flickr  (I set my photos to "public viewing" so this may or may not be necessary....)

1. go to the Flickr photo you want to post  and click on that photo
2. then click on "all sizes" that appears above that photo
3. now, go to below the photo, where you'll see 2 boxes. CLICK/COPY the SECOND BOX that says "grab the photo's URL"
4. now go back to the forum and click on the envelope icon above the comment box (run your mouse over it - it says "insert/edit image"....
5. now paste what you copied into the box that comes up and voila!  Your photo should appear!

I hate to admit that it took me all day to finally figure this out, but at least I feel a little bit smarter than I did a few hrs ago!...

I assume you would have to do this for each photo, but much better than having readers copy/paste!

Photobucket can also be used, but slightly different instructions that I cannot do right now as brain dead from hours of trying to figure this out!
Re: Here's how to post your photos!
Reply #1 Oct 30, 2009 4:28 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Yes, I"m pretty sure the photos have to be for "Public Viewing" so you have to check that box if it's not pre-selected.
You can also host them at places like In fact at imageshack I don't even think you have to sign up.

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