Here's an update on my new set-up
Mar 2, 2010 6:26 AM
Joined: Feb 5, 2010
Points: 62

Working from the bottom up (Note: All latex is Queen size 100% natural Talalay):


I kept my S box spring as my foundation

2" Memory foam topper which I already had, not sure of the brand

3" Medium Firm (32ILD) Rocky Mountain topper

3" Extra firm (35-42 ILD) FoamSweetFoam topper

2" Medium Plush (24ILD) Rocky Mountain topper

Cotton mattress pad on top


I purchased the 2" Medium Plush topper first, and placed it over my old saggy S mattress to see if I liked the feel of latex. Once I decided it was comfortable, I ordered the two 3" toppers and threw my mattress out. I was sleeping on the box spring, 2" memory foam and 2" Medium Plush latex topper for a week, and since I like a firm bed I had no complaints.


I just received the two 3" toppers and put it all together last night. Because I didn't want to wait I had to assemble it alone, which meant lifting the cartons with the 3" toppers (over 50 lbs. each), but it was easier than I thought it would be. The toppers were packed very securely, with nylon bands around the outside of the carton and around the plastic bag inside as well, so I had something to grip as I positioned it on my box spring.


I cut each carton open, and as I cut the plastic bag, the latex sprung to life with a "whoosh!" I couldn't help thinking of the seed pods in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."


Some observations on the latex - The topper from RM didn't have a seam, but the topper from FSF does. The edges on the RM topper are cut sharper than that of the FSF topper, which has flaking along the sides, but no big deal, they're both very nice quality.


I wanted to zip it all up in a case, but was disappointed in the cotton cover I purchased from I was told it zipped along two sides, but it actually only zips along one short side, so it's useless and has to go back.


So far I've just slept on this new mattress one night. Sleeping on latex is like sleeping on a marshmallow! It offers support, but was soft at the same time. I found when I sat up my butt sank into it, and don’t imagine it would be comfortable to read in bed. I might end up ordering another Extra Firm 2" topper to use under the top layer (the 2" Medium Plush), or end up purchasing a wooden bed board to use between the mattress and box spring since I'm not sure it's firm enough. This is still a work in progress, but overall I'm more than pleased.


I also want to recommend the latex pillows I purchased from They're Nature's Rest Zoned latex pillows, one in firm and one in plush. I no longer have neck pain when I wake up, I wish I had discovered these years ago!


Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #2 Mar 2, 2010 2:57 PM
Joined: Feb 5, 2010
Points: 62
sandman wrote:
Thanks for the update!  Hope this works for you.

Is the S box spring pretty firm?  You should have a pretty firm base under the latex.  Otherwsise you might want to go with a board or buy another firm foundation.  A new foundation might be better than a board, if it allows the latex to breathe a bit throught the bottom  I think I would go with a firmer foundation over ordering an extra 2" of latex.

Does it seem too soft witht the 2" of memory foam on top?  2" may be too much.  You may want to try without to see how that is.

Do the Rockymountain and Foamsweetfoam latex seem like they are the same material (100% natural latex)?  Same smell?  Same color and surface appearance?  Same texture?

sandman yes the box spring is very firm - I slept 4" above it for over a week waiting for my latex to arrive!

I don't have the memory foam on top, that's on the bottom (on the box spring). I started having hip and shoulder problems a few years ago and tried memory foam to relieve the pain. It didn't really help, and I'm not a big fan of m.f. I'm only using this layer because I already have it, and it's firm so I stuck it on the bottom. Even though I like a firm bed, for my top layer I have the 2" Medium Plush latex.

Both company's toppers are very similar in smell (I love the smell of latex!), color, appearance, and texture.

RM has the best prices for 100% natural Talalay. The reason I didn't buy everything from them is they only carry Medium Plush and Medium Firm, nothing in Extra Firm.
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #3 Mar 2, 2010 3:21 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
narnia wrote:
sandman yes the box spring is very firm - I slept 4" above it for over a week waiting for my latex to arrive!

I don't have the memory foam on top, that's on the bottom (on the box spring). I started having hip and shoulder problems a few years ago and tried memory foam to relieve the pain. It didn't really help, and I'm not a big fan of m.f. I'm only using this layer because I already have it, and it's firm so I stuck it on the bottom. Even though I like a firm bed, for my top layer I have the 2" Medium Plush latex.

Both company's toppers are very similar in smell (I love the smell of latex!), color, appearance, and texture.

RM has the best prices for 100% natural Talalay. The reason I didn't buy everything from them is they only carry Medium Plush and Medium Firm, nothing in Extra Firm.

Good to hear that both latexes seem the same.  I bought my latex at RM as well, but had no 100% natural to compare it to.  Yes, I like that latex smell as well.

I would say that it is pretty unusual to put 2" of memory foam at the base level.  Generally, you want fairly firm foam there to add a base level of support.   You may want to try it without the memory foam at all to see how you like it.   If that is too firm, you may want to try the MF on top.   I suspect that might be too soft.  In which case you might be better off with 1" of MF on top or one more inch of soft (15-24ILD) latex on top.

Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #4 Mar 2, 2010 4:17 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
I agree with Sandman. You want a rather firm piece of latex as your base layer.

I was quite surprised the other day when I finally changed my base layer of extra firm to a medium layer. This was on the recommendations of FloBeds calculator. So I had extra firm, over extra firm, over medium. They predicted that it would give me a firmer feel. They were wrong. It felt quite odd really. I really don't know what term to use to describe it, but it had a slightly " tippy" feel to it. Please don't take this description literally, I am just not finding the right kind of words I need to describe the feeling.

But the important point is I truly believe that you need a firm foundation at the bottom layer. And the bottom layer, surprise surprise, really does make a significant difference. This was a surprise to me because I had always had extra firm as the foundation layer on my latex mattress. I had assumed, wrongly, that the bottom layer didn't play that great a role in the overall feel of the mattress. Wrong!
This message was modified Mar 2, 2010 by eagle2
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #5 Mar 3, 2010 11:00 AM
Joined: Feb 5, 2010
Points: 62
Why should I switch the Medium Firm & Extra Firm if it feels comfortable? I already have a very firm piece of memory foam on bottom, is there a reason the XF should be on the bottom?
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #6 Mar 3, 2010 11:08 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
How is it sleeping on it?  Any pictures?

Do you feel the glue lines?

Do you feel any significant differences with the 32ILD and the 24ILD?  I don't think I would much.

Did you weight any of them?

If you can sleep on a foundation why do you need anything else???  Boy are you lucky.  I wish I could sleep on a rock, LOL.

Hope it all works out.  Keep us posted.
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #7 Mar 3, 2010 11:09 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
narnia wrote:
Why should I switch the Medium Firm & Extra Firm if it feels comfortable? I already have a very firm piece of memory foam on bottom, is there a reason the XF should be on the bottom?

Don't do a thing if it is comfortable!!!  Oh my gosh I wish I could say that.
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #8 Mar 3, 2010 1:21 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
narnia wrote:
Why should I switch the Medium Firm & Extra Firm if it feels comfortable? I already have a very firm piece of memory foam on bottom, is there a reason the XF should be on the bottom?

"I might end up ordering another Extra Firm 2" topper to use under the top layer (the 2" Medium Plush), or end up purchasing a wooden bed board to use between the mattress and box spring since I'm not sure it's firm enough. This is still a work in progress, but overall I'm more than pleased.

Generally, memory foam in not very firm, so normally that is not recommended as a base layer.   The issue would be more one of proper support as opposed to comfort.  Memory foam is normally used on the top level for comfort.  Even Tempurpedic uses firmer base foams below the top layer of memory foam.

But, as they say if it ain't broke don't fix it.   So, if works for you that is fine.  However, it did seem like you were talking before about trying to make it firmer - with a board or another piece of XF foam.   We were suggesting trying it without the memory foam to make it a bit firmer and to give it more support. 

If you ever wake up with a sore back, the first change I would make would be to take the memory foam off the bottom.

Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #9 Mar 4, 2010 5:20 AM
Joined: Feb 5, 2010
Points: 62
Leo3 wrote:
How is it sleeping on it?  Any pictures?

Do you feel the glue lines?

Do you feel any significant differences with the 32ILD and the 24ILD?  I don't think I would much.

Did you weight any of them?

If you can sleep on a foundation why do you need anything else???  Boy are you lucky.  I wish I could sleep on a rock, LOL.

Hope it all works out.  Keep us posted.

Leo3, sorry I don't have pictures. When I get the zippered mattress cover I'll have to take the bed apart, and I'll try to take some pics then.

I don't feel the glue line at all. The layer on top (2" Medium Plush) is Queen size but no glue. Even if I were using the piece with glue on top I wouldn't feel it, it's a subtle seam (and I am the Princess and the Pea!).

I have the 32ILD over the 24ILD right now, and I didn't try it the other way around so, I can't really answer if I feel any significant differences between the two.

No, didn't weigh them but the 3" toppers are over 50 lbs. per the shipping label.
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #10 Mar 4, 2010 5:27 AM
Joined: Feb 5, 2010
Points: 62
sandman wrote:

Generally, memory foam in not very firm, so normally that is not recommended as a base layer.   The issue would be more one of proper support as opposed to comfort.  Memory foam is normally used on the top level for comfort.  Even Tempurpedic uses firmer base foams below the top layer of memory foam.

But, as they say if it ain't broke don't fix it.   So, if works for you that is fine.  However, it did seem like you were talking before about trying to make it firmer - with a board or another piece of XF foam.   We were suggesting trying it without the memory foam to make it a bit firmer and to give it more support. 

If you ever wake up with a sore back, the first change I would make would be to take the memory foam off the bottom.

sandman, I find the memory foam I have is very firm. When I had my S mattress the m.f. was on top, and I believe it was the cause of bursitis in my shoulder.

Don't you think the S box spring I have as my foundation provides proper support for the latex? it's a very firm box spring.

I'm still cautiously pleased with the mattress and my back isn't sore yet, do you think I would have pain by now if this wasn't going to work? Can I be happy yet??
Re: Here's an update on my new set-up
Reply #11 Mar 4, 2010 6:29 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
narnia wrote:
sandman, I find the memory foam I have is very firm. When I had my S mattress the m.f. was on top, and I believe it was the cause of bursitis in my shoulder.

Don't you think the S box spring I have as my foundation provides proper support for the latex? it's a very firm box spring.

I'm still cautiously pleased with the mattress and my back isn't sore yet, do you think I would have pain by now if this wasn't going to work? Can I be happy yet??

I have never heard of very firm memory foam, so I am a bit skeptical of how firm it is?  Do you know the brand or density?

How old is the S spring box?  The new ones are often just foundations with no real springs, so I think they would work okay.  If it is many years old with springs and sags, then maybe not. 

Lack of support will mean that the mattress is too soft and your hips will sink in too far.  That causes your spine to be out of alignment, which causes the sore back.   This is more likely to occur the older you are, or if you have any back injuries or other medical conditions.  Sometimes it does not show up right away, but that is usually people who buy S brands and the foam breaks down.   You latex may soften a little, which might be enough to make a difference sometime down the road.

However, if you feels like it is giving enough support, you are sleeping comfortably, and you have no pain then don't worry and be happy.

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