Looking for a Houston Latex Mattress dealer or showroom
Jan 16, 2012 8:53 AM
Joined: Jan 16, 2012
Points: 2
We are grateful to find this informative site.

After returned our box spring mattress that we got from Mattress firm. Now we are on the market to find a Latex Mattress.

I did search that didn't find any latex mattress dealers near us. except one savvy rest store in Austin. Before we drive up there to feel the latex, i want to ask here if anybody knows that there are latex mattress showroom here in Houston?

houston mattress
Reply #4 Sep 11, 2012 3:04 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2012
Points: 1
In Houston there are furniture stores that claim to 'save you money', or claim every other week that they are 'getting out of the mattress business' or the 'eather business' .or even tell you that they have a limited supply of furniture or mattresses in some warehouse. HOUSTON - YOU DESERVE BETTER!
This message was modified Sep 11, 2012 by a moderator

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