How bout an Intelli-gel topper over a firm latex on a platform?
Jan 17, 2012 7:38 PM
Joined: Jan 18, 2012
Points: 14
Like many of you Ive been on an epic search for a bed that doesnt kill my aging body.  I injured my back (herniated disk) last year, partly because I had a huge sinkhole in my bed.  I threw it out and slept on the floor for many months.  It worked well, until it didn't.  Now I have excruciating joint pain in shoulders/hips - Im sleeping on a foam pad over an airmattress while I try to figure this out and its torture.

I alternate between back and side sleeping. What I found after testing beds is what felt the best for the back (a medium- firm latex) crunched my shoulders/ hips when I turned to my side.   And what best cushioned shoulders/hips (an Orthogel bed) had a bit of a dip or hammock effect when i turned to my back.  It didnt seem to maintain the nice level surface - butt sank down too far (maybe liposuction for that heheh)

So... what about a combo of firm latex + the intelli-gel topper (has 2 1/2 inch of gel).  I LOVE the idea of being able to adjust it as  I go along.

And the intelligel sounds pretty good - anyone have any experience with the topper?   Wonder how the feel compares with the orthogel I tested (I think that one had 1 3/4" gel + some memory foam)

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback!

Am so glad I found this - my head was spinning from all the mattress sales-person's contradictory information.


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