How can I make our latex mattress feel firmer?
Oct 21, 2011 7:48 AM
Joined: Oct 21, 2011
Points: 1
First, I want to say a very big thank you to this board. I have lurked and read a lot and this site was invaluable in helping my wife and I make our mattress decision. 


My wife and I decided, after going and laying on several mattresses, to go with a latex mattress. In a store, we laid on a latex mattress that we were told was 6" 32 ILD latex with 1" foam (softer, non-latex) on each side. We really, really liked this matress. What we ended up doing was buying a 6" 32 ILD latex mattress from (because it was much cheaper than what we tested in the store). Our thought was to start with this and then fine tune the mattress as needed. This mattress arrived yesterday. 

First, let me say that last night I slept better than I have in ages and this is a really good sign. However, both my wife and I wish it was a little firmer. The 32 ILD latex mattress we laid on in the store felt firmer and more supportive of our hips than this 32 ILD latex mattress we got from I am pretty sure both came from Latex International, so I am not sure why the one we have feels noticeably softer than the one we laid on. 

On to my question. How can we make this mattress feel firmer and more supportive of our hips? Right now, the mattress is on top of our old foundation, which has wood slats. If we put a piece of plywood on top of this, would that make the mattress feel firmer and support our hips better? 

Or, if we bought a 2" or 3" piece of 50 ILD latex and put it underneath or on top would that support our hips better? 

Or, would it be better to try to exchange it for a firmer latex mattress altogether and go from there?

Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

This message was modified Oct 21, 2011 by mogabi
Re: How can I make our latex mattress feel firmer?
Reply #1 Oct 21, 2011 8:03 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
A firmer foundation might help.  It depends on how much you wood slats are flexing.  If they are thin and spaced a part too far, then that might be the problem.   You might want to try the plywood.

Also, a wool topper or mattress pad can sometimes (believe it or not) make is seem firmer.  Especially if it fits tightly.  I bought a 1.5" one at that makes my mattress firmer when I use it.   It can prevent you from sinking in as much, but the effect may not be large enough for what you want.  What do you have over the latex?

It is likely you would be better of with a firmer base layer of foam than just the 32.  So, you might have something like 3" of 36-40 and then 3" of 32 and then something softer on top depending on your firmness requirements.  Or 6" of 36, and then something softer on top. 

This is why buying from a place like sleepez or flobeds for foamsweetfoam is worthwhile.   You can customize and exchange each layer, and return if not satisfied.


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