I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you?
I say hybrid because I artfully combined 4 different materials with VERY different properties. Traditional poly foam, egg-crate poly foam, memory foam and wool. After months of trial and error, I found my dream mattress.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set DIRECTLY on the floor (for extra stability), I made an extra long twin mattress composed of the following: 12" thick poly foam with an IFD of 50 (very firm), topped by 4" of poly foam with an IFD of 35 (moderately firm) covered with 2" of 5.3lb/ft3 Sensus foam with an IFD of 15 (soft) topped off with 2" of egg-crate poly foam with an IFD of 35 (I found that by putting the traditional poly egg-crate OVER the memory foam undid that "squishy" feeling and and gave the mattress a nicely balanced responsiveness. I covered all that with a HEAVY weight (I think it weighs 60 lbs!) wool comforter (which gave it even more textural evenness), sealed it up with a clothed-vinyl mattress cover, added a fitted cotton mattress pad over THAT, added sheets and AHHHHHHHH. My perfect mattress. |
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? fantasticalice
(Feb 5, 2010 1:19 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 1:45 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? sandman
(Feb 5, 2010 3:03 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:15 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:23 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:32 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? sandman
(Feb 5, 2010 3:37 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:41 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:50 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:53 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 4:07 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? sandman
(Feb 5, 2010 4:13 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 4:26 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? sandman
(Feb 5, 2010 4:41 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 4:42 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? jimsocal
(Feb 5, 2010 9:30 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 3:29 AM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 3:45 AM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 3:52 AM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 4:05 AM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 4:07 AM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 3:36 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 4:49 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 5, 2010 4:54 PM) -
Re: I made my own "Hybrid" mattress. Has anyone else done the same? What works for you? Pete
(Feb 6, 2010 3:35 AM)