I sent some comments to the Strobel people. what do you think?
Jul 25, 2012 6:40 AM
Joined: Jul 23, 2012
Points: 3
 	 	I sent them an inquiry yesterday, to which so far no response received. June 24th:    Hello,  I am doing research to learn more about non-toxic mattresses--which i have deduced  are essentially only available outside the "conventional" mattress industry of the "three s's," Sealy,  Simmons, and whatever the third one is. I have surveyed the information on your website--and I  gotta say, I believe the FloBeds people and I don't believe your claim at all.  You are burning wool  that probably has too much air amidst the fibers. You gotta pack that wool in more, and start with  clean natural fibers. Then, you will find that the FloBeds people were right. Oh, but you already know  that; you are merely engaging in a deceptive & immoral advertising tactic.   Good day, (signed my name)      I want to share with you my comments to them this morning, June 25th:  
 		Yeah, because the thing is, "You know them hippies was right." Are you familiar with the phenomenon of Natural Food Stores growing as aresponse   to the toxic Agribusiness food system? The hippies were the ones who  
figured out that natural foods will bestow Life while supermarket foods
with endow Death, decades ago. Now, you are trying to say that they are
wrong about this wool flammability thing, but obviously you are the
corporate piggy in this case. Bye!
This message was modified Jul 25, 2012 by jaco0582

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