ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Sep 25, 2008 5:55 AM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 87
Hi All,

I have tried to piece together some of the information from other posts but thought I would start a new one that could address firmness and ILD ratings between Talalay and Dunlop.

How do they work?

Is smaller the number softer?

I understand you can have a smaller

Would you recommend a section of FIRM foam within them to provide extra support .... don't want a sore back.

Any other thoughts would be most welcome.

Re: ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Reply #1 Sep 27, 2008 2:21 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
The higher the ILD, the firmer the latex foam.  My preferred Talalay Latex combination (all of my bed and slat box support with legs is from FloBeds but my topper is from Brylane Homes since the 2" softness from FloBeds was too soft for me and I wanted a 1" latex pad to provide just enough cushion but still give me support since I do not sink in much being so petite) is 1" of around 24 ILD over 39 ILD natural Talalay Latex from Latex International, over a 37 natural Talalay Latex ILD over a blended Talalay Latex 46 ILD latex core. 

Some people prefer firmer beds and others like beds softer but in all I feel too soft hurts the back by not giving support but too hard with no topper provides pain in the pressure points like my too firm conventional mattress did making me turn to much.


Re: ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Reply #2 Sep 27, 2008 2:55 PM
Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Points: 69
Ild ratings are for the first 25% of compression. Two different foams with the same ild, can be very different beyond that 25%.  Latex with a 35 ild doesn't feel like a polyurethane foam with a 35 ild.
Re: ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Reply #3 Sep 27, 2008 10:27 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Jankdc, thanks for sharing that about ILD's. I learn something new each day. I must get some sleep but had to get up to take pain medicine for mouth pain from a dental procedure so I needed to eat something and sit up 15 minutes before going back to bed so I thought I would check posts out to get me sleepy again.  :) 

I still have to look up the cost of my FloBeds for someone on this site but it is in files stored upstairs and I have had so many dental problems this past month and so busy with work, that I forgot. Sorry.

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