Importance (or not) of the cover [my first post]
May 14, 2009 5:58 AM
Joined: May 14, 2009
Points: 1
Hello, and thanks for creating a very informative and interesting forum. I do feel that I learn 2 things, and then have 3 more questions. Oh well...

My wife and I have decided that latex (mattress!) is the way to go for us, and of the few we've been able to recline upon, we prefer softer ones, like the Serta Serenity Plush, a similar Serta model, and (maybe especially) the Original Mattress Factory's "plush" latex model (see ) . What each of these seem to have in common is a fairly thickly quilted cover which contains a (non-latex) foam. (These are not pillow-tops, which we do not prefer and I've learned here are to be avoided.) These were the most comfortable in our 20-30 minute tests, as the less quilted ones seemed too firm to our liking. When I investigate the world of options on the internet, there seems to be a split between the quilted more plus approach (example ) and the thin velour or terry-cloth like approach that places like SleepEZ and others take. I am no purist- all we want is a good sleeping "system". So I'm interested in feedback/opinions regarding the more substantial quilted covers, like the Acadia model by green mattresses, especially if there are those who have experience in both kinds. We are average build/weight, and are side/back sleepers. Softer models have felt better on my shoulders, although I'm concerned that too soft will bother the back.

Any help will be welcomed and appreciated, so thanks!

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