The important things to consider when buying a mattress
Apr 16, 2017 1:32 AM
Joined: Feb 21, 2017
Points: 22
Though there's no one mattress that's sure to please everyone, there are some key considerations to keep in mind when out shopping for your dream bed that will increase the chances of you getting the best mattress for your buck with the least amount of legwork.

1. Take your time

Most manufacturers don't offer a guarantee on comfort, so it's best to spend time lying on the showroom mattress to ensure confidence in your new purchase. There are a few brands that do offer a comfort guarantee, so it always pays to ask.

2. Don't shop tired

All the mattresses will feel great when you're already sleepy!

3. Don't get sucked in by sales jargon

Words like "orthopedic" don't mean very much unless they come with accreditation from a proper medical association. If you have a bad back, it's believed that a medium-firm mattress is better than a firm mattress.

4. Measure up

If you're buying a new mattress but keeping your old base, measure them both to make sure they fit well together – some mattresses aren't consistent with the sizing above.
This message was modified Nov 21, 2019 by a moderator

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