Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Apr 13, 2010 6:53 AM
Joined: Mar 7, 2010
Points: 12
FInally got the new mattress in and I promised to post impressions so here goes. 

This is a husband and wife king bed.  Both sides were Firm, Med and Soft.  And the foam is the higher end Organic Talalay. 

Shipping to Canada was via the post and didn't cost that much nor take that long.  It was great to have USPS/Canada Post as an option, avoiding the usual UPS/Fedex broker fees.  The price I paid including shipping was a much better deal compared to another options of equivalent mattresses buying direct from a retailer in Canada.  I highly recommend buying from online stores out of the US.

The boxes arrived in good shape.  Even after one of them was opened and resealed by Canada Customs.  There were no instructions included and I wasn't sure which box has the mattress cover.  I didn't want to open all of them because I read its better to open them up in sequence and on top of the bed to avoid awkward lifting of latex chunks. But a quick call to the SleepEz toll free line got the answers I needed.  The cover is in the softest foam box because it fits better with the foam that has the most air.

There was a strong odour to the foam but once the cover was zipped up the odour was non existent to me.

Foundation was my previous Sealy box spring but the springs are close together so I felt comfortable this would be close to a slotted non sprung foundation.  We did put a couple of pieces of thin plywood on top of the foundation to reduce what minimal spring there was.

Now to the impressions of the mattress itself.

It does have a bit of a bulging convex shape to it.  I think its partly because of the nature of the foam and it being compressed on the outsides as its zippered up.  I hope that convex shape becomes less obvious, maybe as it settles.  The sides are very soft and have a lot of give and you really notice a huge dip or sinking feeling when I sit on the side of the bed.

The feel is excellent.  It feels creamy smooth.  You do not feel springs nor does it feel like there is anything in the mattress.  It feels smooth on top and smoothly contiguous throughout from top to bottom.  When I think of how latex feels, I think of creamy.  And the second most significant adjective that comes to mind is bottomless.  It feels like there is infinite depth to the mattress, as if there isn't a bottom.  I do not feel like there is a bottom down below me.  When I put these two adjectives to my wife, she said that describes the feel perfectly.

I still woke up twice during the first night.  I'm not surprised as I'm older and have to do a bio break in the middle of the night.  And I am on a medication which does have mild insomnia side effects.  But my sleep was MUCH deeper than before.  And I'm not just saying that.  Three things happened with my sleep that are indicative of how deep it was.  First of all I dreamt more and the dreams were more intense and memorable when I woke up.  Secondly, I slept in and missed a 7 AM conference call.  I don't set an alarm because I'm usually up pretty early and I didn't set an alarm and slept in 30 mins past the conference call.  And finally, I felt much more rested in the morning compared to usual.

I should mention that our previous mattress was a 15 year old Sealy coil and foam that could have been beaten by any new mattress I suppose.  While that may be true, a lot of what I like about this mattress has more to do with a rubber based latex foam mattress and its characteristics which are different than the coil mattress.  So far, I'm liking latex better.


Re: Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Reply #1 Apr 13, 2010 9:15 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Sounds good Bryan. Keep us updated on how it feels over time. Thanks for the review!
Re: Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Reply #2 Apr 13, 2010 1:48 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Awesome stuff,

I actually had a similar experience for the first couple of weeks when I made the switch to latex.  Particularly about dreams being more vivid and memorable...seems to be a good sign that you are getting a good deep sleep, this is huge because its really not about how much you sleep its about how much deep sleep you get. 


PS:  I notice the difference in my dreams even more after dropping caffiene completely.

Re: Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Reply #3 Apr 13, 2010 2:25 PM
Joined: Mar 7, 2010
Points: 12
budgy wrote:

Awesome stuff,

I actually had a similar experience for the first couple of weeks when I made the switch to latex.  Particularly about dreams being more vivid and memorable...seems to be a good sign that you are getting a good deep sleep, this is huge because its really not about how much you sleep its about how much deep sleep you get. 


PS:  I notice the difference in my dreams even more after dropping caffiene completely.

I thought the dreaming was a good indicator of a deep sleep too, Daniel.  I also am off caffeine and have been for a long time so I can’t say what it would be to do it again from a dream perspective.

I also noticed it was harder for me to get up in the morning.  I do take a low dose sleep aid now because of a med I’m on that causes mild to medium insomnia and I found I was far more zonked out in the morning after sleeping on the latex.  I really felt I remained in sleep mode for about 2 hours in the morning, feeling slow and sleepy and groggy.  I never feel that way in the morning even with the sleeping pill.  I usually wake up at 5 in the morning and can’t get back to sleep and don’t feel rested but I do feel alert.  Now I feel rested, but not alert. 

I would have thought that while I feel more rested now, I would feel more alert when I wake up.  Not so at this point.  Maybe I will as I become more accustomed to better sleeps with the latex.

I also had an afternoon nap and I noticed a couple of things.  First I was able to get sleep pretty easily.  Often I do not sleep when I nap in the afternoon.  I just sort of day dream.  Secondly, I went in to a deep sleep and once again experienced a real groggy sensation when I got up from the nap.  I’m still feeling groggy.

And maybe its just my imagination, but it looks to me like I’m not getting some ugly looking baggy eyes that I sometimes get in the morning.

I will be interested to see how my night sleeping and morning wakeup changes as I become accustomed to the new bed over the next couple of weeks.


This message was modified Apr 13, 2010 by bmckenney
Re: Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Reply #4 Apr 13, 2010 4:05 PM
Joined: Apr 9, 2010
Points: 41

Glad to hear your story.  I will be getting mine Friday, a 13000.  I will post a nice review when I get it. 

Re: Impressions of SleepEz 10000
Reply #5 Apr 13, 2010 8:19 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486


What kind of latex mattress do you have?



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