Inner Spring vs Pocket Coil
May 12, 2010 5:25 AM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
Hi Folks,



I'm choosing a mattress at Gardner Mattress in Salem, MA...Just can't decide if I should go with an Inner Spring or a Pocket Coil.  Both have 2" of latex on top, 3" felt too soft for me.

The Inner Spring is a very low coil count at 260 with very thick gauge.  Will that lump up?  Other problems?

I worry the pocket coil won't last as long, but at 125 lbs and only me in the bed, maybe I', wrong...maybe it's what's ON TOP that matters (latex).

Both have either no PU or very little PU, and they have a no-charge refund policy (30 day trial if I want to switch out).

I can't afford an all-latex, so I have to choose between these two.  HELP!  Thanks

This message was modified May 19, 2010 by a moderator

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