Innerspring advice, anyone in Denver???
Nov 9, 2008 4:45 AM
Joined: Nov 9, 2008
Points: 1
Have been pouring over the postings on this forum for days, researching what to do about replacing my mattress. Thanks to all of you for an incredible amount of info and personal experience! I will try to keep this as brief as possible...

I currently have a 3½ YO Stearns & Foster "Silver Dream" (expensive,huge pillowtop) that is killing me. I have multiple disc & SI issues & doing my best to avoid surgery. My bed isn't helping me one bit. I tried a memory foam bed...husband hated it & it didn't really help me much, so it went back. I'm 5'7" & 135 lbs & husband is 5'10" & 165 lbs. We are both primarily side sleepers. I try to stay off my stomach as much as possible.

After all my research here, I have decided to go w/ the best innerspring I can buy w/ the least amount of junk padding, and tweak w/ layers on top of it. (I'd love to cut the pillowtop off my current S&F, but husband thinks I've lost my mind)

So a couple of questions for anyone who can chime in...

First, is there anyone in the Denver metro area that has found a good source for a quality, flippable innerspring mattress? I used to have a Verlo right down the street from me, but I went there yesterday & it's gone. There's still one in Boulder. Anyone w/ any experience using them? I have been on their website and know that they can custom make me a mattress, but it doesn't really give you any info about their coil system. I will call them, but just interested to know if anyone has ever used them before. Or is there another source in Denver?

I know that from what I have read here, I should probably be looking for offset coils (if I can find them) and as heavy a gauge as possible. Of the "S" brands, this led me to think that I should  be looking at an S&F with the least amount of padding possible. Does this sound right? The Sealy Signature line was mentioned in the Build-a-bed post. Any opinions on Serta innersprings? The manufacturers websites don't really give you that much info, and salesmen certainly don't either.

TIA for any input...this is just the beginning for me!


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