Innerspring Mattress Recommendations PLEASE!
May 20, 2011 8:52 PM
Joined: May 21, 2011
Points: 1
My husband & I have been sleeping in different beds for way too long! He likes firm with lots of covers. I like softer and sleep hot with very few covers! I pretty much bounced around from bed to bed in our house, because of chronic low back pain and sleep issues. However, I just had spinal fusion surgery and am determined to get us back in ONE bed again! It has to be a king-sized bed because I am a restless sleeper, and now need even more room to roll-over. He is more in favor of a tradtional innerspring option. So just to get this ball rolling, that's OK with me. I haven't really found any great reviews on any standard mattress manufacturers of innersprings. I did think that I might opt for a medium-firm mattress without a pillow-top because as I recover, my needs might change along the way. Right now a very soft bed is not good for me (have to be a side-sleeper now), and I need a rather firm support to keep my spine in alignment when I take my back brace off.

Any words of wisdom, suggestions, brands, etc. that any of you could send my way would be HUGELY appreciated!

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