iso-cool mattress pad
Dec 2, 2009 9:47 AM
Joined: Aug 28, 2009
Points: 53
Hi Sandman, wondering if you've tried this:
Re: iso-cool mattress pad
Reply #1 Dec 2, 2009 10:07 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Thanks Linda.  I did try a mattress pad with Outlook technology from Costco.  It did not work for me.  It seemed to absorb the heat for a few hours, but eventually it got hot itself.  The did not seem to dissipate, rather it built up.  I put my hand on it to feel it after a few hours and it was quite warm.  I am becoming skeptical of all the marketing claims out there.  If you look at some of the reviews for a similiar product on Amazon, a number of people seemed to have the same impression as me.

I currently have 1" of Celsion latex.  It might make it sligltly cooler.  Not a huge difference so far.  Perhaps 1" is not enough and I need 2 or 3 inches.  I am also thinking firmer seems to make some difference.  Less body surface touching the mattress.  It seems to me, no matter what the surface is going ot heat up to something approaching body temperature.  However, it has to be pretty firm to have a big effect.  Lower density materials seem to let the heat dissipate more quickly as well.

Here are the reviews on Amazon.  Some think it works, some don't.  I am in the latter category.

This message was modified Dec 2, 2009 by sandman

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